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on 2012-01-15

I wonder which programm was used to draw pictures like in 'hires color x' ?

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on 2012-01-15
 Re: Grafik

Well, I think those are mainly converted pictures from C=64 so this question is very hard to answer. Much better question is what tool the guys making it were using?

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on 2012-01-16
 Re: Grafik

have a look at plus4emu. in that package there is a converter that converts JPEG and other format images to various Plus/4 video modes (hires/multicolor, FLI, interlace, etc.).
i don't know if it can convert from c64 to plus4, but worth a look i think.

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on 2012-01-16
 Re: Grafik

An older thread may help.

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on 2012-01-16
 Re: Grafik

Actually, I think displaying plain hires C=64 pictures require almost no conversion, because it works the same as in the plus/4 (two independent colors per 8 by 8 pixels), therefore the color data only must be transformed to the colormap+brightness map format. The bitmap is the same, and I think it cannot be at other places (start @ other addresses) than in our machine.

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on 2012-01-16
 Re: Grafik

i followed the link to plus4emu and tried that emu. doesn't work cause the osx version is old and link in setup-script to roms don't exist.
i managed then to take the roms from the win version and wonderabout the nice ted colors.
the tools for converting gfx are for win only.
i have a mac and don't want install windows for those tools.
question: how to compile newest release of plus4emu for mac? (1.1.1 is way slower than vice)
how to make usage of the tools?

i wonder which palette is correct? vice or p4emu?

left p4emu, right vice

Posted By

on 2012-01-16
 Re: Grafik

Well Rudis, I am with you.
Some years ago I wanted to switch to Mac, but Apple shop offered no 2GB version of MacMini. I did not want to throw away 1GB expensive RAM, so I stayed with XP. Poor guys....

You may try some XPemulation via Mac, though it will greatly reduce your speed. I have an old AMD64 3000+, and sometimes it takes one minute to convert an FLI or multicolor GFX (Hires, or HFLI is ~4x faster). So if you add an extra layer (XP in Mac) it may reduce speed, but may work... If you have something Core2Duo, you may have the same speed like me.

About Plus4Emu? I can just express my highest respect to Istvan Varga create this toolset. According to my view, with Graphics3 setting, it shows the highest emualtion level, even clones the CRT TV color combination effect. Unfortunately my ATI HD5570 gave up, andf Plus4Emu has troubles with my old x1500, so JUST because of Plus4Emu I buy right now a ATI HD6570. So you know, how much I like it, with all respect to Gaia's emulation.

For me (as an amateur gfx-man) it is no question, that Plus4Emu color setting are just right. I spent hundreds of hours in my childhood drawing pictures with Microillustrator, and especially yellow, brown and orange colors show, how much the color palette is accurate in emuation. To be really honest, Plus/4 is shitty on these colors (I could never really get the tones I wanted), and Plus4Emu just perfectly maps these limitations, haha happy .

In fact in Plus4Emu GFX converter you may set the C64 --> Plus/4 color setting, but I think this function (C64-->Plus/4 conversion) never worked out. Though, after that function Plus4Emu GFX converter could be the FINAL GFX converted PRG, like "one ring above all". happy Imagine Coala Painter, etc format supported in this PRG...

Just some examples about the quality of conversion, you may see few converted GFX.
Gimli, the Ancient room, etc, just great examples how good the converter is. I converted some more dozens of pictures, but decided to stop there... grin

On the FLI side it is also just great. As I focused more on normal multioclor, I made only few, but those ones were great. Certainly my fav is the girl, hehehe grin

Occasionally some conversions do not need pixel hunting

If you want to chosse the easy way, prefer pictures with a lot of green. This will wok, Plus/4 hasmore than enough.

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