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on 2011-12-11
 Netherlands Commodore Show - Saturday, Dec. 17

Saturday, December 17, the Netherlands Commodore Show returns to the Trefpunt, Kerkweg 21, in Maarssen, the Netherlands from 10:00 until 16:00. Awards will be distributed to those who have produced the most innovative hardware and software made for the Commodore and Amiga community during 2011.

The Amiga Scene Group will bring plenty of Amiga computers. As usual, there is the big C= flea market. In addition, there will be a C= raffle with great prizes -- a 1581 disk drive, C= shirts, and a Christmas basket full of food! Don't forget... there are snacks and drinks at the show. Because it's Christmas, all visitors asked to bring Christmas table decorations, etc.

For more information, go to


Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group

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on 2011-12-11
 Re: Netherlands Commodore Show - Saturday, Dec. 17

if everything goes according plan, i will be there with a plus4 and c116...

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