Posted By
![](/images/g.gif) Jakec on 2009-03-30 00:22:51
| Tojasgyujtes game (basic game)
I find it (végre már azt hittem, hogy soha sem lesz meg)
Posted By
![](/images/g.gif) Rachy on 2009-03-30 10:21:52
| Re: Tojasgyujtes game (basic game)
This game was published in Süni magazine. I remember when we tried to type in with my brother for days and somewhere always mistyped then couldn't find the error... ![happy](/images/happy.gif)
Posted By
![](/images/g.gif) Csabo on 2009-03-30 11:08:09
| Re: Tojasgyujtes game (basic game)
Nice find! Nostalgia, eh?
I was going to ask Jakec if he wrote this game, but Rachy's posts clears that up. I never heard of "Süni magazin" either. Google does turn up some hits, so we might be able to track down the actual issue. (Off topic: does anyone have any more info on "Chip Csaba"? It was a weekly column in a very prominent Hungarian newspaper. Googling it gives you next to nothing - my post about this on shows up though.)
When DGS contacted me a while back, I asked him if he wanted to join his collection to ours. At that time neither one of us was up to it. The two sets of programs have different names. I have a little crawler that I could let loose on his site, which would pick up all PRGs. So while that's an option what I'm thinking about is this: I want the Plus/4 stuff to foster, regardless of URLs or sites or who gets credit. So I'd rather not piss anybody off. So is crawling his site the right thing to do?
Posted By
![](/images/g.gif) Chronos on 2009-03-30 15:58:59
![](/images/avatars/0044.png) | Re: Tojasgyujtes game (basic game)
nice page, but the letters /"c" to the "s"/ doesn't work! so dear dgs please reupload it!
Posted By
![](/images/g.gif) Rachy on 2009-03-31 03:15:54
| Re: Tojasgyujtes game (basic game)
I certainly won't be able to tell you the issue of that magazine, where this game published. All I remember it was around 1987 or 1988. Here is a link how it looked like that mag:
Posted By
![](/images/g.gif) Jakec on 2009-03-31 05:52:29
| Re: Tojasgyujtes game (basic game)
Hmmm maybe:
Enjoy ![wink](/images/wink.gif)
Posted By
![](/images/g.gif) Csabo on 2009-03-31 10:47:53
| Re: Tojasgyujtes game (basic game)
I emailed the editors of the magazine (which is still active) last night, I'll see what they say. Nice find Jakec, I just emailed the maintainer of that site. He may still have those 6 mags around, but (understandably) he only scanned the pages that deal with the Enterprise. I hope he can help!
Reading though those PDFs, the name Digi Süni rang a bell... So Digi Süni could be from this magazine as well!
Posted By
![](/images/g.gif) MMS on 2009-03-31 13:36:18
![](/images/avatars/0034.jpg) | Re: Tojasgyujtes game (basic game)
I also had one of them! Unfortunately when I left Szeged, all my Micro Magazines and other stuff thrown away by my parents... It was ~200kgs of computer magazines, very few survived this cleaning activity. What a loss (
Posted By
![](/images/g.gif) Csabo on 2009-03-31 20:55:45
| Re: Tojasgyujtes game (basic game)
Got one reply from. Unfortunately the Enterprise site's maintainer does not have the mags, he only borrowed it once to do those scans. Still waiting for a reply from the editors, but I'm not holding my breath.
Posted By
![](/images/g.gif) Chicken on 2009-03-31 21:22:54
![](/images/avatars/0016.jpg) | Re: Tojasgyujtes game (basic game)
Digi Süni and this game look almost the same. Have you looked at the code? It might be just a hack. I'm too tired to check right now.
Nice tracking down information, though ![happy](/images/happy.gif)
Posted By
![](/images/g.gif) TLC on 2009-04-01 16:04:39
| Re: Tojasgyujtes game (basic game)
The game listed "above" as "Digi Süni" does indeed look like Tojásgyűjtés...
I also gave it (I mean typing in it) a try back then ; I do well remember the magazine, I was about 12 years old or so, my first few months in the "business" :D (the article should be late 1986 or early 1987, most probably late '86... that was the time of our school receiving their first two Plus/4s).
Posted By
![](/images/g.gif) Jakec on 2009-04-02 00:14:09
| Re: Tojasgyujtes game (basic game)
Tojásgyüjtés vs Digi Süni
My opinion the Tojásgyüjtés older.
10 CLR:DIMA(100),G(100),P(100),SZ(100):IK=66:J5=64 20 OSZ=150:O=0:ISZ=0:TSZ=10:SZ=1:PO=0:E=3:J5=64 30 ç0,1:ç4,1:ç1,2:Ű8:č 40 OX=OSZ:OSZ=OSZ+5:I=1:J2=1 50 FORD=1TOISZ:P(D)=32:NEXTD:J4=32 60 POKE56,47:V=65280:RESTORE960 70 POKEV+18,PEEK(V+18)AND251 80 POKEV+19,PEEK(V+19)AND3OR48 90 FORT=832TO849:READA:POKET,A:NEXT:SYS832 100 FORT=12800TO13000:READA:IFA>-1THENPOKET,A:NEXT 110 GOSUB730:č:GOSUB820:GOSUB750 120 FORD=1TOISZ:G(D)=2*INT(RND(1)*2)-1 130 NEXT:GOTO460 140 IFG(I)=1ORG(I)=-1THEN160 150 IFG(I)=40ORG(I)=-40THEN210 160 IFP(I)=71THENG(I)=40:GOTO220 170 IFP(I)=68THEN600 180 IFP(I)=69THEN600 190 IFP(I)=70THENG(I)=-G(I) 200 GOTO220 210 IFP(I)=68ORP(I)=69ORP(I)=72THEN600 220 POKEA(I)-1024,SZ(I):POKEA(I),P(I):A(I)=A(I)+G(I) 230 IFA(I)<3151ORA(I)>4030THENA(I)=A(I)-G(I) 240 P(I)=PEEK(A(I)):SZ(I)=PEEK(A(I)-1024):POKEA(I)-1024,103:POKEA(I),IK 250 IFA(I)=J1THEN790 260 IFP(I)=66ORP(I)=67THENGOSUB1100 270 I=I+1:IFI>ISZTHENI=1:IK=133-IK:ŐGOTO140 280 OX=OX-1:GOSUB750:IFOX<0THEN790 290 P=PEEK(J1+40) 300 IFP=32ORP=72ORP=66ORP=67THENJ2=40:GOTO590 310 GETA$:IFA$=""THEN140 320 IFA$=CHR$(13)THENPOKE239,0:GOTO330:Ő340 330 IFJ2=1ORJ2=-1THEN510:Ő140 340 IFA$="T"ORĎ(1)=1THENJ2=-40:GOTO390 350 IFA$="G"ORĎ(1)=3THENJ2=1:GOTO390 360 IFA$="F"ORĎ(1)=7THENJ2=-1:GOTO390 370 IFA$="V"ORĎ(1)=5THENJ2=40:GOTO390 380 POKE239,0:GOTO140 390 POKE239,0:FORD=1TOISZ:IFJ1+J2=A(D)THEN590:ŐNEXT 400 IFJ2=1ORJ2=-1THEN420 410 IFJ2=40ORJ2=-40THEN440:Ő140 420 J=PEEK(J1+J2) 430 IFJ=70ORJ=74THEN490:Ő460 440 J=PEEK(J1+J2) 450 IFJ=73ORJ=68ORJ=69THEN460:Ő490 460 POKEJ1-1024,J3:POKEJ1,J4:J1=J1+J2 470 J3=PEEK(J1-1024):J4=PEEK(J1):POKEJ1-1024,113:POKEJ1,J5 480 J5=129-J5:GOTO490 490 IFJ4<>75THEN140 500 J4=32:J3=0:Ú1,882,5:O=O+1:PO=PO+5:GOSUB750:IFO=TSZTHEN700:Ő140 510 IFPEEK(J1+J2)=70ORPEEK(J1+J2*2)=70THEN140 520 POKEJ1-1024,J3:POKEJ1,J4:J1=J1-40+J2 530 J3=PEEK(J1-1024):J4=PEEK(J1):POKEJ1-1024,113:POKEJ1,J5 540 Ú1,882,10:FORD=1TO30:NEXT 550 POKEJ1,J4:POKEJ1-1024,J3:J1=J1+40+J2 560 J3=PEEK(J1-1024):J4=PEEK(J1):POKEJ1-1024,113:POKEJ1,J5 570 J5=129-J5:Ú3,600,5:FORD=1TOISZ:IFJ1=A(D)THEN790:ŐNEXT 580 GOTO490 590 POKEJ1-1024,J3:POKEJ1,J4:J1=J1+J2:GOTO560 600 K=INT(RND(1)*5)+1:ONK-1GOTO620,630,640,640 610 G(I)=1:GOTO650 620 G(I)=-1:GOTO650 630 G(I)=-40 640 G(I)=40 650 IFG(I)=1ORG(I)=-1THEN220 660 IFP(I)=68THENG(I)=40:GOTO220 670 IFP(I)=69THENG(I)=-40:GOTO220 680 IFP(I)=72THENG=G/40 690 GOTO270 700 IFTSZ=20THENISZ=ISZ+1:TSZ=10:O=0:ŐTSZ=TSZ+1:O=0 710 Ú1,698,5:Ú1,712,5:Ú1,798,5:Ú1,812,10 720 č:SZ=SZ+1:GOTO30 730 ç1,14,5:FORD=30TO0STEP-1:ŕ,D,13,STR$(SZ)+".MENET ":FORW=1TO5 740 NEXTW,D:RETURN 750 PRINT"źMENET:"SZ" TOJAS:"O" ELET:"E" PONT:"PO 760 W1=INT(OX/10):IFW1>30THENW1=30 770 ŕ1,0,24,"źOXIGEN ":FORW=0TOW1:PRINT"ś ’";:NEXT 780 FORW=W1+1TO31:PRINT" ";:NEXT:RETURN 790 FORD=1TO5:ç0,3,INT(RND(1)*7):Ú1,810+5*D,5:NEXT 800 E=E-1:O=0:ç0,1:GOSUB750:IFE=0THENGOSUB1120 810 GOTO30 820 ç1,3,5:č 830 FORD=1TO24:ŕ,0,D,"Ż":ŕ,39,D,"Ż":NEXT 840 FORD=4TO24STEP4:ŕ,0,D,"ĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘ":NEXT 850 RESTORE870:ç1,6:FORD=1TO13:READX,Y:Y=Y-1:ŕ,X,Y,"Ĺ":ŕ,X,Y+4,"Ĺ" 860 ŕ,X,Y+1,"É":ŕ,X,Y+2,"É":ŕ,X,Y+3,"É":NEXT 870 DATA6,3,22,3,36,3,10,7,23,7,2,11,31,11,34,11,4,15,16,15,38,15,10,19,34,19 880 RESTORE890:FORD=1TO7:READX,Y:ŕ,X,Y,"Ç":ŕ,X,Y+1," ":ŕ,X,Y+4,"Č":NEXT 890 DATA14,2,27,6,17,10,8,14,28,14,18,18,37,18 900 FORD=1TOISZ:GOSUB940:A(D)=K:P(I)=PEEK(K):SZ(I)=PEEK(K-1024):POKEK-1024,103 910 POKEK,IK:NEXT 920 FORD=1TOTSZ:GOSUB940:POKEK-1024,103:POKEK,75:NEXT 930 GOSUB940:J1=K:J3=PEEK(K-1024):J4=PEEK(K):RETURN 940 Y=INT(RND(1)*6)+1:Y=Y*4-2:X=INT(RND(1)*39) 950 K=3072+Y*40+X:IFPEEK(K)<>32THEN940:ŐRETURN 960 DATA162,0,189,0,208,157,0,48,189,0,209,157,0,49,202,208,241,96 970 DATA56,56,16,254,56,56,40,40 980 DATA56,56,16,254,56,56,68,130 990 DATA24,24,126,90,90,24,36,36 1000 DATA24,24,126,90,90,36,66,129 1010 DATA0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1020 DATA129,129,129,255,255,129,129,129 1030 DATA0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1040 DATA0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1050 DATA0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1060 DATA129,129,129,255,255,129,129,129 1070 DATA0,127,127,127,0,239,239,239 1080 DATA0,0,0,16,56,56,124,56 1090 DATA-1 1100 FORD=1TOISZ:IFA(D)=A(I)ANDD<>ITHENP(I)=P(D):SZ(I)=SZ(D):ŐNEXT 1110 RETURN 1120 SZ=1:E=3:TSZ=10:ISZ=4:OSZ=150:ŕ1,6,13,"žVEGE A JATEKNAK!" 1130 ŕ1,6,16,"PONTSZAM:":PRINTPO:GETůA$:RETURN
1 ç4,6,0:ç0,4,0:GOSUB13:::::::::::PRINT"“śDIGI SUNI":PRINT"KERSZ JATEKSZABALYT? <I/N>" 2 GETH$:IFH$="I"THEN77 3 IFH$="N"THEN4:Ő2 4 CLR:DIMA(100),G(100),P(100),SZ(100):IK=66:J5=64:L=1024:C=10:SZ=1:OSZ=200:M=1:B=3 5 O=0:PO=0:E=3:J5=64:Ű4 6 FORI=1TO3:M(I)=0:N(I)=0:NEXT:IFM>4THENM=1 7 ONMGOTO8,9,10,11 8 ç4,1:ç0,1:S=103:Z=113:GOTO12 9 ç0,10,0:ç4,7,0:S=110:Z=115:GOTO12 10 ç4,10:ç0,9:S=68:Z=1:GOTO12 11 ç0,15,1:ç4,14,1:S=111:Z=120 12 PO=PP:T=OSZ:I=1:U=1:ç1,2:č:FORD=1TOB:P(D)=32:NEXT:J4=32:GOTO15 13 POKE56,47:V=65280:RESTORE71:POKEV+18,PEEK(V+18)AND251:POKEV+19,PEEK(V+19)AND3OR48:FORT=832TO849:READA:POKET,A:NEXT:SYS832:FORT=12800TO13000:READA:IFA>-1THENPOKET,A:NEXT 14 RETURN 15 GOSUB52:č:GOSUB57:GOSUB53:POKE239,0:ŕ1,0,24,"źOXIGEN":FORW=7TOW+T/15:ŕ,W,24,"ś ’":NEXT:FORD=1TOB:G(D)=2*INT(RND(1)*2)-1:NEXT:GOTO44 16 IFP(I)=32THEN27 17 IFG(I)=1ORG(I)=-1THEN19 18 IFG(I)=40ORG(I)=-40THEN23 19 IFP(I)=71THENG(I)=40:GOTO26 20 IFP(I)=70THENG(I)=-G(I) 21 IFP(I)=69ORP(I)=76THEN81 22 GOTO26 23 IFP(I)=72THENG(I)=SGN(RND(0)-.5) 24 IFN(I)>3THENG(I)=SGN(RND(O)-.5):M(I)=0:N(I)=0 25 IFM(I)=1THENN(I)=N(I)+1 26 POKEA(I)-L,SZ(I) 27 POKEA(I),P(I):A(I)=A(I)+G(I):P(I)=PEEK(A(I)):SZ(I)=PEEK(A(I)-L):POKEA(I)-L,S:POKEA(I),IK:IFP(I)=32THEN30 28 IFA(I)=QTHEN54 29 IFP(I)=66ORP(I)=67THENGOSUB73 30 I=I+1:IFI>BTHENI=1:IK=133-IK:Ő16 31 T=T-1:POKE4040+T/15,32:IFT<0THEN54 32 P=PEEK(Q+40):IFP=72ORP=32THENU=40:GOTO50 33 IFPEEK(Q+U)=66ORPEEK(Q+U)=67THEN54 34 GETA$:IFA$=""THEN16 35 IFA$=" "ORĎ(1)>10THENPOKE239,0:GOTO36:Ő37 36 IFU=1ORU=-1THEN48:Ő16 37 IFA$=";"ORĎ(1)=1THENU=-40:GOTO43 38 IFA$="X"ORĎ(1)=3THENU=1:GOTO42 39 IFA$="Z"ORĎ(1)=7THENU=-1:GOTO42 40 IFA$="/"ORĎ(1)=5THENU=40:GOTO43 41 GOTO16 42 J=PEEK(Q+U):IFJ=70ORJ=74THEN45:Ő44 43 J=PEEK(Q+U):IFJ=73ORJ=68ORJ=69ORJ=76THEN44:Ő45 44 POKEQ-L,J3:POKEQ,J4:Q=Q+U:J3=PEEK(Q-L):J4=PEEK(Q):POKEQ-L,Z:POKEQ,J5:J5=129-J5:Ú3,1003,1:IFJ4=32THEN16 45 IFJ4=66ORJ4=67THEN54 46 IFJ4<>75THEN16 47 J4=32:J3=0:Ú1,882,5:O=O+1:PO=PO+5:GOSUB53:IFO=CTHEN51:Ő16 48 IFPEEK(Q+U)=70ORPEEK(Q+U*2)=70THEN16 49 POKEQ-L,J3:POKEQ,J4:Q=Q-40+U:J3=PEEK(Q-L):J4=PEEK(Q):POKEQ-L,Z:POKEQ,J5:Ú1,982,2:FORD=1TO3:NEXT:POKEQ,J4:POKEQ-L,J3:Q=Q+40+U:J3=PEEK(Q-L):J4=PEEK(Q):POKEQ-L,Z:POKEQ,J5:J5=129-J5:Ú3,900,1:GOTO45 50 POKEQ-L,J3:POKEQ,J4:Q=Q+U:J4=PEEK(Q):POKEQ-L,Z:POKEQ,J5:Ú3,1,1:GOTO45 51 C=C+1:O=0:FORA=0TO3:Ú1,698,5:Ú1,712,5:Ú1,798,5:Ú1,812,10:NEXTA:M=M+1:č:SZ=SZ+1:OSZ=OSZ+5:PP=PO:GOTO5 52 ç1,14:FORD=30TO0STEP-1:ŕ,D,13,STR$(SZ)+".MENET ":FORW=1TO5:NEXTW,D:RETURN 53 ŕ,0,0,"śMENET:":ŕ,6,0,STR$(SZ):ŕ,14,0,"TOJAS:":ŕ,20,0,STR$(O):ŕ,26,0,"PONT:":ŕ,31,0,STR$(PO):ŕ,29,24,"ELET:":ŕ,34,24,STR$(E):RETURN 54 FORD=1TO15:ç0,3,INT(RND(1)*7):Ú1,710+5*D,5:NEXT:IFE>1THENPO=0 55 E=E-1:O=0:ç0,1:GOSUB53:IFE=0THENGOSUB75 56 GOTO6 57 IFZ=1THENç1,3,6 58 IFZ=113THENç1,3,INT(3*RND(0))+1 59 IFZ=115THENç1,10,3 60 IFZ=120THENç1,1 61 FORD=1TO24:ŕ,0,D,"Ć":ŕ,39,D,"Ć":NEXT:FORD=4TO24STEP4:ŕ,0,D,"ĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘ":NEXT:ç1,INT(15*RND(0)+2),2:NN=INT(3*RND(0))+1:ONNNGOTO62,63,64 62 RESTORE66:GOTO65 63 RESTORE67:GOTO65 64 RESTORE68 65 FORD=1TO13:READX,Y:Y=Y-1:ŕ,X,Y,"Ĺ":ŕ,X,Y+4,"Ě":ŕ,X,Y+1,"É":ŕ,X,Y+2,"É":ŕ,X,Y+3,"É":NEXT 66 DATA6,3,22,3,36,3,10,7,23,7,2,11,31,11,34,11,4,15,16,15,38,15,10,19,34,19 67 DATA7,3,28,3,6,7,15,7,25,7,5,11,22,11,30,11,4,19,20,15,33,15,15,19,31,19 68 DATA6,7,21,7,36,7,10,3,23,3,2,15,31,15,34,15,4,11,16,11,38,11,14,19,24,19:RESTORE69:FORD=1TO7:READX,Y:ŕ,X,Y,"Ç":ŕ,X,Y+1," ":ŕ,X,Y+4,"Č":NEXT 69 DATA14,2,27,6,17,10,8,14,28,14,18,18,37,18:FORD=1TOB:GOSUB70:A(D)=K:P(I)=PEEK(K):SZ(I)=PEEK(K-L):POKEK-L,S:POKEK,IK:NEXT:FORD=1TOC:GOSUB70:POKEK-L,S:POKEK,75:NEXT:GOSUB70:Q=K:J3=PEEK(K-L):J4=PEEK(K):RETURN 70 Y=INT(RND(1)*6)+1:Y=Y*4-2:X=INT(RND(1)*39):K=3072+Y*40+X:IFPEEK(K)<>32THEN70:ŐRETURN 71 DATA162,,189,,208,157,,48,189,,209,157,,49,202,208,241,96:DATA56,56,16,254,56,56,40,40:DATA56,56,16,254,56,56,68,130:DATA60,78,78,60,24,36,102,66:DATA60,114,114,60,24,24,52,36:DATA,,,,,,,:DATA129,129,129,255,255,129,129,129:DATA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 72 DATA129,129,129,255,255,129,129,129:DATA,127,127,127,0,239,239,239:DATA,,,16,56,56,124,56:DATA129,129,129,255,255,129,129,129:DATA-1 73 FORD=1TOB:IFA(D)=A(I)ANDD<>ITHENP(I)=P(D):SZ(I)=SZ(D):ŐNEXT 74 RETURN 75 č:SZ=1:E=3:C=10:B=3:OSZ=200:M=1:N(I)=0:M(I)=0:ŕ1,6,13,"žVEGE A JATEKNAK!":ŕ1,6,16,"PONTSZAM:":PRINTPO:PO=0:PP=0:PRINT"UJRAKEZDESHEZ NYOMD MEG AZ 'S' GOMBOT!" 76 GETůS$:IFS$<>"S"THEN76:ŐRETURN 77 PRINT"“A JATEKOSNAK AZ ELSO MENETBEN 10 DB":PRINT"TOJAST KELL OSSZESZEDNI, A TOBBI":PRINT"MENETBEN MINDIG EGGYEL TOBBET.":PRINT"IRANYITO GOMBOK:":PRINT"; = FEL, / = LEFELE, Z = BALRA":PRINT"X = JOBBRA, UGRAS A SZOKOZ GOMBBAL" 78 PRINT"JATSZHATO JOYSTICKKEL IS !":PRINT"MEHET? <IGEN = 'I' GOMB>" 79 GETG$:IFG$<>"I"THEN79 80 GOTO4 81 IFRND(0)>.4THENG(I)=-(SGN(-75+P(I)))*40:M(I)=1:ŐG(I)=SGN(RND(0)-.5) 82 IFRND(0)>.4ANDP(I)=76THENG(I)=-40:M(I)=1 83 GOTO24
Posted By
![](/images/g.gif) Jakec on 2009-04-02 00:20:56
| Re: Tojasgyujtes game (basic game)
And the list picture:
Posted By
![](/images/g.gif) Csabo on 2009-04-02 09:01:40
| Re: Tojasgyujtes game (basic game)
Jakec, at least you could have used a Plus/4 utility to do the listing: Plus4Lst.
I'm happy to eat my words as I received a short but very nice email from one of the editors. They said they don't have the answer at the moment, but they are looking into it as this kind of search is something that is close to their heart. So we should have a definitive answer, hopefully soon.