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Posted By

on 2007-07-20
 Savage Island +4

I should have searched for the old thread(s) but I'm too lazy wink

Thanks to all involved fixing this game! It's good to see that a group (with Csabo being the biggest part of the group wink ) effort can result in a really playable version. Though, I wish more games would have been like this fixed version in the first place.

The optional use of a 256kb expansion is cool, too happy
Posted By

on 2007-07-20
 Re: Savage Island +4

hi chicken! long time no see happy it was a cool game, but i never was a hardcore gamer on plus4.. what was the problem, i doesn't read the old thread ... one more thing: REALLY offtopic, when i showed the pictures about scenecon for my girlfriend, she's first thought was about you: there is Sylar! (from the tv series called Heroes). And yep, there is some likeness happy
Posted By

on 2007-07-20
 Re: Savage Island +4

You don't have to search for the old thread, all the bugfixes and improvements are listed right on the Savage Island +4 page, under "Release notes".

Chicken, I take it you've tried it then? (I only tested that part under YAPE.) On 256k, all the pictures should be cached, so when you visit any room for the second time, it should be blazing fast.
Posted By

on 2007-07-20
 Re: Savage Island +4

lol i mean Treasure Island megalol happy its the hot summer i think...
Posted By

on 2007-07-21
 Re: Savage Island +4


I just checked it in YAPE. Still no means to transfer stuff from PC to plus/4 But it's nice to see a program supporting 256kb expansions anyway!

Off topic...

Hey, Chronos happy Yes, not much online lately, busy with life and things. SceneCon was really just great and checking out the photos reminds me of a good time happy
I wasn't aware of that series so I googled. Well, I guess I'm not that handsome wink But yes, on some photos there are some similarities.
When I used to have long hair I usually got Anthony Kiedis or Iggy Pop happy And sometimes "Jesus" :D

Enjoy the sun!
Posted By

on 2007-07-21
 Re: Savage Island +4

Did you also try it in plus4emu ? My memory expansion emulation does seem to work correctly with the demos that use it and I have tested so far, but I do not have the actual expansion hardware myself as a reference.
Posted By

on 2007-07-23
 Re: Savage Island +4

Sorry, haven't tried it, yet. I haven't installed the latest version of plus4emu but I'll do so when I'm back at my place. Unfortunately, my PC here is quite obsolete and I can't check it out
Posted By

on 2007-08-11
 Re: Savage Island +4

Well, I tried running it with memory expansion emulation, and it seems to work without any obvious problems.
Posted By

on 2007-08-30
 Re: Savage Island +4

Maybe it is slightly late but I have say big THANK to SAVAGE ISLAND RESTORATION TEAM! happy I am nearly sure that I was the only man at our liitle Earth who could finish corrupted version of this game at C+4. I hope I shall be not so alone after mentioned team efforts. wink It will also be very interesting to see missed pictures to final episodes of the game. happy

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