Posted By
Sandy on 2007-06-25 06:51:22
| Re: Games/Covers
No, it doesn't seem so.
I'll just post any future correspondence here if it's okay with the mods.
Here's my e-mail to you...
{Hi Cartsen, So would you like to swop MAIL TRAIL for: 1 - BERKS 2 - WINTER OLYMPICS 3 - EUROPEAN GAMES and any of the following games: 4 - BABY BERKS Or substite: BOMB JACK ATLANTIS or FIVE STAR GAMES (Tom Thumb, Pogo Pete, Blagger, Defence 16 and Ghost Town) I'll buy the remaining games off you if you let me know if you have BABY BERKS or not, that way I can send you a PayPal payment for either £4.50 (3 games) or £3 (2 games). Cheers. Kindest Regards Sandy}