| Posted By
DanSolo on 2007-06-15 08:46:48
| Plus/4 power socket... yes that again.
Hi all. After years of mucking about with the C64, I went crazy recently and bought 5 "untesed" (no PSUs) and 2 "broken" Plus/4s. You can stop laughing at the back. I only have the first lot, but the busted ones should be here soon with a PSU so I can test the rest. My first question to all the gurus out there is in the title. What's the best way to go about powering these babies? 1: Buy Plus/4 PSUs 2: Buy Plus/4 <-> C64 PSU conversion connectors (8bitdesigns sell them... are they PAL?) 3: Solder C64 power sockets onto the board Not that I have any C64 PSUs to spare anyway, but any thoughts?
Posted By
TLC on 2007-06-15 11:48:27
| Re: Plus/4 power socket... yes that again.
It all depends. For example, a lot of Plus/4s sold in Germany in fact have the C64 PSU connector (the round DIN one) on them by default (as are their respective black Plus/4 power supplies... they're in fact C64 PSUs except for their colour). So if you got one of them, it's just solved. If you really need to change a square Plus/4 psu socket to the C64-alike one, it's also easy to do (no need to cut traces on the motherboard, the soldered side of the two type of sockets in fact are of the same physical layout). So...
1.) If all of your Plus/4s have the original (square) power socket, and you can find one, say, at eBay, it's probably the best. 2.) You can do this as well (there are no differences between PAL and NTSC machines in this respect... and the machine's operation also doesn't depend on the mains frequency, fortunately). 3.) If there's no other possibility, you may try that also.
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