Posted By
 Byteman on 2007-03-15 15:59:53
| TAP Versions of Games
Many games that I want to download and run on real machine are in PRG format. Who can help me with converting to TAP format with good loading screens and turbo loaders?
Posted By
 TPSH on 2007-03-16 02:08:21
| Re: TAP Versions of Games
which programme? I am aware of I demand one pattern,that to look at.
Posted By
 Luca on 2007-03-16 03:02:11
 | Re: TAP Versions of Games
Must admit: I didn't fully understand your request. Please be more specific.
Posted By
 Gaia on 2007-03-16 05:22:26
| Re: TAP Versions of Games
I do understand. He wants to transfer programs (in PRG format) to tape. You can use MegaCopy from TLC in Yape for example, to create a WAV that you can then record to a tape through the sound card with a jack-cable. Or you could use this tool: WAV-PRG but it has no turbo. Anyone care to write a turbo plugin ? 
Posted By
 Luca on 2007-03-16 06:14:37
 | Re: TAP Versions of Games
And what about those "good loading screens"? 
Posted By
 Gaia on 2007-03-16 08:51:11
| Re: TAP Versions of Games
I guess he means the ones that are not buggy on his computer? Anyway, in this case one can use Novaload as it exists as a separate turbo, and it loads with the screen enabled, although it is a bit slower than TLC's.
Posted By
 C16 Chris on 2007-03-16 18:00:22
 | Re: TAP Versions of Games
I think i know. Sasha the best Way is you copy the .PRG with Starcommander to an 5 1/4" Disk, load them in a real 264er and save them on Tape. I think you can use the kingsoft Turbotape at this work ? so you have blue and yellow strings when you load the program from Tape
Posted By
 Byteman on 2007-03-17 04:37:54
| Re: TAP Versions of Games
How can I create loading screens such as in KikStart? Are they on text or graphic mode? How can I insert this image in Novaload loader???
And I haven't got disk drive. I can't buy it in Belarus 
Posted By
 Luca on 2007-03-17 04:56:29
 | Re: TAP Versions of Games
Aha: mi initial perplexities are getting shape... 
Posted By
 Byteman on 2007-03-17 13:40:08
| Re: TAP Versions of Games
And I have many games with crunchers which get me color lines. It is bad when I play games from tape because after loading there are many lines on screen. And I can't create 2 or 3 loading blocks when using Nova Turbo.
Posted By
 Ulysses777 on 2007-03-17 15:16:48
| Re: TAP Versions of Games
To make a multiloader with Nova Turbo, the first program must contain the appropriate code to load the next sections. For example, the loading screen in Kikstart is a Basic program which draws the loading screen, then loads the main program.
To make additional loading blocks with Nova Turbo, save to device 6 instead of device 7.
Posted By
 Byteman on 2007-03-18 04:24:18
| Re: TAP Versions of Games
O.K. I shall try it.
And are there programs to draw pictures with converting to BASIC program? Because it hard to draw pictures by PRINTing 
Posted By
 Byteman on 2007-03-22 07:16:12
| Re: TAP Versions of Games
How can I activate autostart in TurboMine loader and is it possible to make multi-loaders with TurboMine?
Posted By
 Gaia on 2007-03-22 13:32:05
| Re: TAP Versions of Games
Sasha, Turbo Mine is a hack of Her Turbo and as I recall there is no simple way to make it autostart or multi-part load. You can however redefine the function keys (KEY 3 and KEY 8) and have them start by simply pressing F3 or saving by pressing HELP. This does save the turbo as well, since it is saving memory from $055C which contains the colour and screen RAM (where the turbo resides).