Posted By
 JamesC on 2006-08-04 21:14:57
| Re: Replacing 3 + 1?? & Software question
There's other software that can be put in place of Three-Plus-One. Any of the Commodore Plus/4/C16 cartridge software can be put in those slots (but games, like the Scott Adams adventures, will make the machine dedicated to that game, just as if you had inserted the cartridge in the rear port).
You can also put your own software in EPROM. Just be sure to include the proper startup code at the beginning of the EPROM so that the system detects it, and knows what to do with it. I can expand on this if you're interested.
To get to other things in Three-Plus-One, hold down the Commodore key and press C. That puts you in command mode. Now you can type TC to go to the spreadsheet or TF for the database program. If you download the expansion program "Plus/Extra" from, the expansion has an on-line help system that you can bring up by pressing Commodore-H.
I don't know of an electronic version of the internal software manual, but I have duplicate copies if you want a printed manual.... I'm sure others of us have spares as well. Let us know where you are (what country), and provide an email address, and one of us close to you will get in touch.