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on 2013-05-07
 Re: [Advice] Missing TAP files

I don't have Stellar Wars and Blitz either in the collection.

There are other none turbo releases, and a good number... like Solar Software Ltd 1st released games originally without turbos! Where possible the tap makers that have supported have mostly made taps of the quicker loading versions including me. happy

Without looking at the .tap as it's been a long time...
Blagger 1st released without a turbo on it's Alligata Software Limited label. It was when it released later under the Gremlin Graphics label the turbo was added. Many more like that. Turbo versions of .tap were done to save time of course.

Starting from the bottom being Commodore and looking at the long loaders is a step in the right direction of something we have chosen to forget about. It's not being without as you have copies of the games on tap already, it was just time saving for everyone to do the turbo versions and the turbo versions would be the ones you would use mostly under emulation. Why do people use 1551 drives over 1541, same thing. wink

But in the rare case like Fire Ant there was a small difference in the original being that white screen to select Keys or Joystick.

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