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Posted By

on 2004-06-15
 Re: GWNN's cheat mode password!!!

If you want to double check then take a peek on Gwnn's page. Let your mouse do the reading. wink

Posted By

on 2004-06-15
 Re: GWNN's cheat mode password!!!

PATSCRA... Is it right?????

Posted By

on 2004-06-10
 Re: GWNN's cheat mode password!!!

Very good!! Very Good!! happy

Gwnn's password has been added to the database and the its been done is cool. happy

Weldone that man! Csabo happy

Posted By

on 2004-06-04
 Hidden message in the code of POGO PETE

Hi Pat,

I've found in POGO PETE a hidden message (a question) from you! Look at $271C ...

Has someone seen all the 24 screens from this game?

Is there a cheat mode too?

Posted By

on 2004-06-04
 Re: GWNN's cheat mode password!!!

17 years indeed! happy

Big respects to Csabo who took the professional approch into finding the password! happy

And the same goes to Ulysses777, his way was so simple we should of thought about it ages ago!! wink Using Yape he poped on the quickdebugger and this shows where the Plus/4 is jumping about in memory. By pressing the correct keys in order you could see what the plus4 was upto. Ulysses777's key word was "quickdebugger" when I was begging him to let me know what it was. It was fun trying to find it. happy

Posted By

on 2004-06-04
 Re: GWNN's cheat mode password!!!

Are you sure about that? It couldn't have been that bad of a solution, if it remained a secret for 17 years! happy Plus, the password is "encoded", in the sense that it's the keypress codes returned by $DB11 that are stored in memory, not ASCII or PETSCII chars. How many people can translate what's below just by looking at it? (It's at memory location $3F5F, the word is in backward sequence.)

$24 $0A $11 $14 $0D $16 $0A $29

Posted By

on 2004-06-04
 Re: GWNN's cheat mode password!!!

putting a password into the memory.... ehhehe... bad solution...

Posted By

on 2004-06-02
 Re: GWNN's cheat mode password!!!

Gotcha! Thanx Ulysses happy

Posted By

on 2004-06-02
 Re: GWNN's cheat mode password!!!

Csabo has also found it! happy

I just received an emial, I think it was sent 14:15 yesterday his time and only now do I have it.. He found the password location in memory and didn't take him long. wink

I think your way was a tad quicker Ulysses777, upto you if you want to give another clue. Once you said the key words it was fun trying to work it out! happy

Posted By

on 2004-06-01
 Re: GWNN's cheat mode password!!!

Well, it's very difficult to give clues for a password like this happy

But you can find it on this page if you look carefully... :

http://www.btinternet.com/~shawweb/guestbookfile1.html happy

Posted By

on 2004-06-01
 GWNN's cheat mode password!!!

Big congratulations to Ulysses777 for finding out Patrick Strassen's cheat mode password!! It was all down to some cleaver thinking and he cracked it!!

As for the word itself I can say
By the looks of things it only works with GWNN and indeed a ping sound came from the plus4 once the word was typed out. wink

I'll leave it with you to think about for a while. If Ulysses777 pops back he may leave a clue or two as the honor of blagging is his! happy

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