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on 2024-05-30
 Re: Upgraded C116 and ACE Plus 4, ALPHARAY

Yeah my bad, fixed the command syntax above that I actually used, which failed to load ALPHARAY.

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on 2024-05-30
 Re: Upgraded C116 and ACE Plus 4, ALPHARAY

No idea what you do wrong with ACE +4, but that DLOAD command, AFAIK, is formulated completely wrong. I suggest consulting a BASIC 3.5 manual.

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on 2024-05-30
 Upgraded C116 and ACE Plus 4, ALPHARAY

Hi All,

I am trying to load ACE Plus 4 version and ALPHARAY on my internally expanded C116, and neither seem to want load. Other games I have tried that work fine include; Tutti Fruity, Trailblazer.

Any ideas. The instructions I used to upgrade the C116 are below. And used DIAG264 to validate all is good.

FYI, I am loading the ACE Plus 4 from and S2DEIC interface and ALPHARAY, Adventures in Time, MOS, Slip Stream and Pets Rescue from disk, using LOAD"*",9,1. Some will load the intro screens and then crash and others will not even load the intro screens. All were tested on my Plus 4 and work fine. I am wondering if there is something missing from the instructions below or is it a problem somehow with the 47LS257 chips which I did not touch or perhaps the RAM chips despite Diag264 test passing?


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