Posted By
 RobertB on 2022-01-03 01:51:35
| Next SCCAN meeting - Saturday, January 8, 2022
Happy New Year, C= and Ami comrades!
The next meeting of the Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network is Saturday, Jan. 8, from 2 to 5+ p.m. at
Panera Bread Restaurant 19662 Nordhoff Street Northridge, California (818) 407-9400
Note: We are back to our bi-monthly (every other month) meeting schedule.
For discussion, we'll talk about the Commodore Los Angeles Super Show 2022. For hardware/software, the Ultimate 64 returns with new programs, like Sonic the Hedgehog, Scramble Infinity, Snowdown, and Snow Force. The refurbished Amiga 500 with v8 motherboard makes its first appearance and now has a Vampire 500 v2 accelerator. Spec.’s – 2 mb Chip RAM, 128 Fast RAM, Gold 2.12 core, Kickstart 3.10 (three point ten), Coffin OS r59, 32 gig CF card, and a full complement of platform emulators, WHDload games/demos, and native HDMI games/demos/music/videos.
If you missed them at CLASS 2021 and at the December SCCAN meeting, Wayne and Sonia Aller may be at this meeting to sell their VIC-20/C64 hardware and software.
As always, feel free to bring any other Commodore and Amiga hardware/software that you wish to show off!
Sincerely, Robert Bernardo Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -