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on 2021-02-25
 Re: Difference in burning Eprom on C64 or on Plus/4??

@Siz, awesome little burner.

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on 2021-02-24
 Re: Difference in burning Eprom on C64 or on Plus/4??

Honestly: I don't remember. I haven't used that in 8-10 years. :/ I bought a MiniPro TL866CS and I'm using that one.

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on 2021-02-24
 Re: Difference in burning Eprom on C64 or on Plus/4??

OK nice. The Dela Eprommer burns normally from the memoryadress $1000 of the C64/C128. Strange thing: when checking the build in assemblymonitor of the Dela software, the second byte of the Binaryfile is on $1000, the first byte is out of sight. After burning the file on an eprom, the first byte is correct put on $0000 of the eprom. Did you noticed this too?

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on 2021-02-23
 Re: Difference in burning Eprom on C64 or on Plus/4??

No difference. I've used a Dela Eprommer too on a C128 to burn EPROMs for the plus/4.

Posted By

on 2021-02-23
 Difference in burning Eprom on C64 or on Plus/4??

Is there a difference between burning an eprom on a C64 or on a Plus/4?

In both cases I mean with the purpose of using it on a C16 or Plus4.

Or stated in a different more concrete way: is it possible to burn an eprom on a C64 for the use with C16/Plus4?

I use the Dela Eprommer II on the C64 for burning eproms (mostly 27c128, 27c256).

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