Re: BBS Term+ V1.2 Quickv 1 Hi, I also tried to compile it, and used SVS's Austroconv, but did not help.I had the same break. Maybe the SW is too small, or using too much PEEK command? I dunno.
BBS Term+ V1.2 Quickv 1 This program now works with WiModem at 300 bps. It is good at displaying C=64 graphics. It can play games but may need modification in order remove C=+4 special characters from interfering. This modified version works well at 300 bps it used to miss letters before my modifications and only ran at 150 bps. I tried to compile this with Astrospeed plus 4 complier but it had errors I couldn't figure a way around. This works with the WiModem Also works with a regular modem set to 300 bps.
BBS Term+ V1.2 Quick v 1 by Michael Kaszubski with speed improvements by Torque222.
I hope someone goes farther than I have and we get more plus 4's on a bbs. Or a BBS capable plus 4.
I would like to see plus 4 graphics someday. Because it has a lot more color than a C64!
One of the best C64 BBS services for the +4 is: The pictures are very compatible as long as you set under parameters #7 to ASCII Commodore. You must also disconnect the CTS pin and prepare your WiModem accourding to the user instructions. $50 USD to make your plus 4 able to browse bbs services. Comes ready to use from the box and remembers the connection the next time. Please share with everyone.