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on 2014-07-24
 Re: Classic C64 SID music played via C16 keyboard

The remix is nice, but I don't think the C16 does anything at all. At 1:36-1:38 you can see him pressing the exact same key while two different chords play. So, at most, it could be a type of sequencer thing, but my guess is that he's just fooling around for the show of it. Which is not that cool IMHO. But like I said the remix is nice.

Posted By

on 2014-07-24
 Classic C64 SID music played via C16 keyboard


supposely just a C64 inside a C16 housing, but as I like LukHash works, herewith I share Supremacy SID redone with the help of se modern devices + oldish C= keyboards.
Enjoy! Check the rest, a nice nostalgic experience... grin


PS just finished my ZX Spectrum composite mod on output, so soon my kid can enjoy the original Manic Miner on 32" LCD, haha ! (BTW it is better quality now than the C64 composite video output quality via Scart)

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