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Posted By

on 2014-08-10
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

Finally got around to testing the sidcard with a Nano SwinSID. It sort of works, but the pitch is too high, as normally a Plus/4 drives the chip with a different frequency compared to a C64. As SwinSID doesn't use the bus clock but has an internal oscillator, it would require some firmware changes to sound right. Probably nothing major, but I can't pull it through myself :P

Posted By

on 2014-08-04
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

Quickly checking the situation, a bigger User Port card, like Commodore modem Model 1660 or 1670 may work after some cutting. The housing lenght seems to be OK (or a little more, can be improved. it is easier to reduce than to extend the existing plastic housing happy ). The height: not measured yet...

HW price is acceptable for sacrifical purposes, but the ebay shipping price from US is horrible.
I will check locally, who knows...

Posted By

on 2014-08-04
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch


You don't need direct support from a program to use the SID card. There is a way to set the card to map itself to the regular C64 address of $D400, read the documentation. After that any program that has some converted SID music and uses the default register space will automatically be rendered audible. Set the card up to lead the SID sound to the jack, turn down the volume of the display to mute TED and use some audio equipment to listen to the original sound.

Unfortunately, I'm not aware of any cheap cartridge case that fits.

Posted By

on 2014-08-04
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

OK guys!

Now I am proud owner of a SID card + 6581 SID chip
It will be tested, hopefully OK grin (I have an 1571+Plussy, but cannot find in my old collection any stuff that has SID support, argghh! So I am looking adter an SD2IEC to test the card...)

But: it is true, that what the sticker states: be aware of ESD. electrostatic shock may kill the SID chip.
SID6581 produced with the first MOS tachnology, so it is more prone to IC death.
The card has no housing, and seeing the price of plastic cartridge housing no wonder. But the SID card looks BIG, loong.
But I have an idea: Are you aware of any cartridge had this size? I may buy one ony ebay, and sacrifie it's inner content to protect the SID ard. I bought a PageFox cartride, but it seems still too small, despite a lot of good things inside happy (and certainly I will not destroy that gem! happy )

Posted By

on 2014-05-22
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

Thanks Csabo. I sent a mail and already got a reply from him. happy

Posted By

on 2014-05-21
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

According to the last update (which you can read above): "There's still some more cards for sale, but not many! If anyone is still interested, those will be given out first come first serve!"

From an earlier message from the creator: "To contact me: please send an email, with "SID-card 3rd batch" (or something similar) as the subject."

So please contact him. Good luck!

Posted By

on 2014-05-21
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

Are these still available?

Posted By

on 2014-05-09
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

if it's not too late - I would take two.
I sent a letter into bsz060@............. but if it's a wrong address, then pls write me to
yerzmyey AT interia.pl
Thank You very much.
Have a nice weekend,

Posted By

on 2014-05-04
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

Ugyan egy kicsit elhavaztam egyéb munkáimból kifolyólag, de haladnak a dolgok! Összeálltak a kártyák:

Ahhoz képest, hogy 6581-es verziót a kezdetekkor egyáltalán nem terveztem, most ennek a pakknak a fele olyan. happy A "Limited Edition" verziók beígért 1+ órás "Burning Test"-je ugyan még nem történt meg, de nincs elfelejtve, a csomagkészítés alatt lesz rá idő. A csomagolás a szokásos lesz, ebből az egyszerűbb rész happy már megvan:


A "dobozolás" része az időigényes, az még vissza van. Utána már tényleg csak a postázás van hátra!

Mivel a "tervezési fázisban" megőrjített a nagyérdemű a JoyPort miatt ("jaj, legyen, mert az egér, meg az egértámogatás, meg a rengeteg egeret támogató program, meg a..." happy ), emiatt elkészült egy régebbi terv is: a mostani FW (1.4, 1.5) segítségével a kártya tud kezelni közvetlenül Atari-ST egeret is! (Mivel a közelemben nincs Atari-ST, ezért csak "emulálni" tudtam ilyet, de remélem rendben lesz.) Emiatt frissülni fog a dokumentáció és a tesztprogram is. (Utóbbi nagyjából már kész is, csak még pár dolgot helyre kell benne tenni.)

Most már tényleg sínen van minden, amint összedobozolódtak a darabok, értesítek mindenkit a teendőkről. A tervezett árak jók lesznek:

#1/#2, SID nélküli bármelyik változat postával:
36+5 EUR + 27% ÁFA = 52.07 EUR

#3, SID-es limitált verzió:
41+5 EUR + 27% ÁFA = 58.42 EUR

Szabad példány még mindig van, de nem sok! Ha valaki még ezután érdeklődik, akkor azé lesz, aki előbb jelentkezik!


Azóta megtörtént a SID-es kártyák 1+ órás tesztelése, minden rendben van velük. Elkészültek a "dobozok" is, természetesen a környezetvédelem jegyében happy újrahasznosított anyagokból. Az előzetesen érdeklődőket már kiértesítettem, többektől kaptam is választ. Ha valakinek írtam, hogy felkerült a listára, de nem kapott levelet, akkor nézzen körül a postafiókjában, hátha levélszemétnek lett nyilvánítva. Ha nem találja, tessék sikítani! happy

Sorry for late, doh ich bin not in home....

 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

I was a bit too busy due to other stuff, but things have progressed. The cards have been assembled:

Even though I wasn't planning on doing an 6581 version in the beginning, half of this batch is actually like that. The 1+ hour burning test for the "Limited Edition" hasn't happened yet, but it will be done during packaging. The packaging will be the usual, the simpler part of that is already done:


"Boxing" them is more time consuming, that still has to be done. But after that the only thing left is shipping them!

Since during the design phase, the audience drove me crazy for a JoyPort ("oh, please put that in, cause of the mice, and mice support, and all the mice-supporting software, and the..." ), an older plan has now been completed: with the help of the current FW (1.4, 1.5) the card can directly handle Atari-ST mice! (Since I don't have an Atari-ST, I could only "emulate" it, but I hope it will work out.) Because of this the documentation will be updated and the test program as well. (This latter one is mostly done, but some stuff still has to be fixed in it.)

So now everything is truly on track, as soon as things are done, I'll notify everyone about the next steps. The planned prices will be fine:

#1/#2, either version without SID plus shipping:
36+5 EUR + 27% VAT = 52.07 EUR

#3, limited edition with SID:
41+5 EUR + 27% VAT = 58.42 EUR

There's still some more cards for sale, but not many! If anyone is still interested, those will be given out first come first serve!


Since then I've completed the 1+ hour test for the SID cards, everything is okay with them. The "boxes" are done too, naturally - to protect the environment they are made from recycled materials. I've notified everyone who was interested and got several replies already. If I wrote to someone that they are on the list, but didn't get any mail this time, please check your spam mailbox. If you can't find it, please scream!

Sorry for being late, I haven't been home...

Posted By

on 2014-04-16
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

A hétvégére valóban elkészültek a kártyák szerelésével, de csak ma (azaz hétfőn) kaptam meg őket:



Ezek után már tényleg csak rajtam múlik, hogy mikor készülnek el teljesen, remélem lesz rá időm. Azért van még meló velük, de annyira nem vészes. Lassan kiértesítem az eddigi érdeklődőket a további teendőkről. Ha valaki esetleg kedvet kapna hozzá, van még pár plusz darab! Fontos: a 6581 SID-et is tartalmazó limitált példányok elfogytak.

 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

By the end of last week the cards were indeed built, but I got them only today (Monday):



After this it's really only up to me when they will be completed, I hope I'll have time for it. There's still work to be done on them, but it's not that bad. Soon I'll notify the people who were interested about next steps. If someone still wants one, there's a few extra pieces! Important: the limited edition cards containing 6581 SIDs are sold out.

Posted By

on 2014-04-07
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

BSZ said:
Bréking nyúz: kaptam visszajelzést az összeszerelés állapotáról. A hét vége fele várhatóan elkészülnek a kártyák összeépítésével, legalábbis azzal a résszel, amit nem én csinálok. Mivel a darabszám "igen kicsi", természetesen kézi munka az egész. De - ha minden jól megy - már nem kell sokat aludni, mire összeáll. happy

 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

BSZ said:
Breaking news: I got feedback about the state of assembly. Near the end of the week they are expected to be done with the build, or at least with the parts that are done by me. Since the number of cards is so low, it's all done by hand. However - if everything goes well - we don't have to sleep too many times until everything's done.

Posted By

on 2014-03-26
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

BSZ's words:

Megkaptam a nyákokat, illetve itt vannak az alkatrészek is:


A "problémás" alkatrész egyelőre még hiányzik, remélem arra sem kell már sokat várnom. Mindenesetre az előkészületeket meg tudom kezdeni. happy

News again (22th of march):

A "problémás" alkatrész is megjött ma, úgyhogy el lehet kezdeni az összeszerelést. A hétvégén összeállítom az "összeállítandót", és jövő héten meg is kaphatja az "összeszerelő brigád". Azután már csak tőlük függ, hogy mikorra készülnek el. A végeredménnyel még nekem is lesz dolgom, de az már nem annyira sok.

Ismét újdonsággal rukkolt elő a Fejér megyei válogatott csapatkapitány. Hát remélem isszátok szavait, vagy legalábbis eszitek :)

Tegnap, azaz kedden az összeállított csomagot megkapta a "szerelőbrigád", így elindult az összerakási folyamat! Konkrét időpont az elkészülésre nincs, de előre láthatólag két héttel lehet számolni.

 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

BSZ's words:

I got the PCBs, and here are the components as well:


The "problematic" component is still missing at the moment, I hope I won't have to wait too long for that. But at least I can start the preparations.

News again (22th of march):

The "problematic" components arrived today, so I can begin the assembly. This weekend I'll put the stuff together and next week the assembly team will get it. After that it's up to them how long it will take. I'm going to have to do some stuff with the end results, but that's not that much.

The boss is back with more news. I hope you'll drink in his words, or at least eat it up :)

Yesterday (that is, on Tuesday) the "assembly team" received the package I prepared, so the assembly process has started! There's no definite date for completion, but it should be around two weeks.

Posted By

on 2014-03-20
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

Question: Normally when I order from overseas, VAT isn't needed for orders going to the US since it's not staying in the EU. Is that the case on this?

Posted By

on 2014-03-15
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

There are some news again, yeppp:

A nyákgyártó jelezte, hogy elkészültek a nyákok. Meg még nem kaptam őket, de az egy "problémás" alkatrészt a jövő hét vége felé ígérték, addigra - a többi cuccal együtt - meg kell kapjam. Hamarosan felpörögnek az események! happy

Thanks BSZ!!!

 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

There's some news again, yep:

The PCB manufacturer notified me that the PCBs are done. I haven't gotten them yet, but that one "problematic" component was promised for end of next week, so by then - along with the rest of the stuff - I should be getting them. Soon things will be happening!

Thanks BSZ!!!

Posted By

on 2014-03-01
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

BSZ sends some new info about himself:

A hét elején elindítottam a nyákgyártást, illetve a "hiányzó" alkatrész beszerzését. Ez utóbbival van némi nyűg, kissé problémásabb ezentúl beszerezni mint eddig. (Boldog vagyok... :-| ) De talán nem lesz vele gond. A végén majd lesz pár plusz darab, aki az "előrendelésről" esetleg lemaradt, az még ne essen kétségbe, de mihamarabb jelezze az igényét!

Check it out!

 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

BSZ sends some new info about himself:

I started the PCB manufacturing and purchasing the "missing" components this week. This latter one is slightly problematic, it's harder to obtain them now than before. (I'm so glad... :-| ) But hopefully it won't be too much trouble. At the end there might be a few extra pieces, if anyone missed the "pre-order", don't panic, just let me know if you want one as soon as possible!

Check it out!

Posted By

on 2014-02-13
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

More infos from the 3rd batch:

Az előző "bejelentésből" kimaradt pár fontos részlet. Mivel nemzetközi a dolog, jó tudni, hogy az ÁFA az a magyarországi, ami (tudomásom szerint világcsúcs) 27%.

A postaköltségre 1 darabos megrendelés esetén 5EUR körüli árat érdemes kalkulálni.

A #3-as opció (kártya 6581 SID-del együtt) egy "ultra-limitált" példányszámú verzió sajnos, összesen 3 db. lesz előreláthatólag. Mivel ez a chip nem szerezhető "csak úgy" be, ezek használt, bontott alkatrészek, amikre nem tudok garanciát vállalni! (Tehát a kártyára természetesen él a garancia, csak magára a 6581-re nem.) Postázás
előtt szólni fognak pár órát, tehát tesztelt IC-kről lesz szó. A 3 darabból 2 már elkelt, úgyhogy jelenleg már csak 1 db. szabad! Aki érdeklődik, az siessen!

Akiről tudom, hogy érdeklődött, annak küldtem e-mailt. Ha valaki mégse kapott, az legyen szíves jelentkezzen! Illetve természetesen az is, akit még érdekelne valamelyik verzió. Ez egyelőre ilyen "előrendeléses" dolog, hogy kiderüljön, mennyi darabot kell gyártatnom. A jövő hét végéig várok, aztán - ha minden jól megy - elindítom a folyamatot.

A jelentkezés menete: írj egy e-mailt, "SID-card 3rd. batch" (vagy valami hasonló) tárggyal.

Köszönöm és Üdv:

 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

More infos from the 3rd batch:

A few important details were left out of the previous announcement. Since this stuff is international, it's good to know that AFA (VAT in Hungary) is 27% (which AFAIK is a world record)

The postage fees for a single order will be around around 5EUR.

Option 3 (card with 6581 SID) will be an "ultra-limited" edition, only about 3 will be made. Since those chips can no longer be obtained "just like that", these are used, dismantled parts, so I can not guarantee them! (Of course the card itself has warranty, but the 6581 doesn't). Before mailing they will play for a couple of hours, so we're talking about tested chips. Out of the three pieces two has already been sold, so now there is only 1 piece left! Anyone who is interested should hurry up!

Whoever was interested should have gotten a mail. If you haven't please contact me! And of course anyone else as well, who is interested in either version. So this is still just a pre-order, to find out how many cards I have to manufacture. I'll wait until the end of next week, then - if all goes well - I'll start the process.

To contact me: please send an email, with "SID-card 3rd batch" (or something similar) as the subject.

Thanks and Regards:

Posted By

on 2014-02-10
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

okay, mail sent to both users, no reply yet

Posted By

on 2014-02-08
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

To ordering try to find a mail addy here.

Posted By

on 2014-02-07
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

@LunarLeonis: you've just sent me an email in which you ask me how to buy a SIDcard, but I'm not involved in that project, I only give hhelp to maintain this site (and the Facebook page, of course wink . So, waith for the 'other user's answer instead grin

Posted By

on 2014-02-07
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

You are quite right Luca. He can easily find Csio's address on the team page.

Posted By

on 2014-02-07
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

To say the truth, the registration here has no real useful link in the view of getting a SIDcard happy

Posted By

on 2014-02-07
 Registration and contact

Hi LunarLeonis,

Drop a mail to Csabo or Luca about your registration. Find their mail addresses following the "Plus/4 World Team" link at the bottom of every page of the site. After registration contact Csio. Find his mail address on his member page (click his handle left to the opening post).

Posted By

on 2014-02-07
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch


count me with one #1 please

how we stay in contact? no registration possible - lil confusing...

Posted By

on 2014-02-07
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

Actually, I was taken by surprise by the relatively good quality of the Google translation considering how poor it used to be.

Posted By

on 2014-02-06
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

siz: Thank you. I only wanted to see how accurate Google Translate might be. (It wasn't. )

Csabo: You're the translation king. happy

Posted By

on 2014-02-06
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

Ah, I just translated the original post, I didn't see the one from JamesC happy Well, it's ok, everything should be clear to everyone now happy

(Also, yes: nyák - (ny)omtatott (á)ram(k)ör is the Hungarian acronym for PCB.)

Posted By

on 2014-02-06
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

JamesC, your translation is more or less accurate. The part you questioned means that he does not see price for one component and he did not quote the PCB manufacturer yet but probably there won't be big surprises.

Edit: and I'm interested in one of the #3 cards.

Posted By

on 2014-02-06
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

Google Translate is my friend. An unreliable friend at times, but better than none! happy

"Enough requests for SID cards have arrived that we can start a third production. An "interesting" development: bszggg has a few old SIDs, and we thought we would build a few "limited edition" SID cards incorporating them. The component prices - thankfully - have not increased very much, so prices on the next production would be:

#1: 8580 version, no SID included: 36EUR plus VAT
#2: 6581 version, no SID included: 36EUR plus VAT
#3: 6581 version with SID: 41EUR plus VAT

#3 will be available in limited numbers. Prices are preliminary, because I do not see a price for (Csabo verify: "the printed circuit board"?) and the PCB manufacturer did not say. I hope there will not be a large surprise. I do not want to deviate from these prices.

Please, anyone who is interested, let me know!

Thanks and regards,

Posted By

on 2014-02-06
 Re: SID-card 3rd batch

Count me in with one #2, please.

Posted By

on 2014-02-06
 SID-card 3rd batch

Your sidcard guru has some words for ya, so you have to wait another masters to translate it to not-hungarian vers. Addig is let's get "Yeah!" :

Lassan összejön újra annyi SID-kártya megrendelés, hogy érdemes lenne elindítani a harmadik adag gyártását. De van egy "érdekes" fejlemény: bszggg-nek van pár régi SID-je, és arra gondoltunk, hogy lehetne a segítségükkel egy "limitált kiadást" készíteni. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a hozzá tartozó kártyák 6581-es SID-del működnek, ÉS jár hozzájuk egy 6581-es SID csip is! Az alkatrészárak - ahogy nézem, szerencsére - nem szálltak el túlzottan, szóval a következő verziók lennének:

#1: 8580-as verzió, SID nélkül: 36EUR + ÁFA
#2: 6581-es verzió, SID nélkül: 36EUR + ÁFA
#3: 6581-es verzió, SID csippel: 41EUR + ÁFA

A #3-as verzió értelemszerűen korlátozott számban érhető el. Az árak természetesen tervezettek, egyelőre egy alkatrészt nem látok az aktuális kereskedőnél, ennek az árát nem tudom. Illetve a nyák-gyártót se kérdeztem meg, remélem ott sem lesz túl nagy meglepetés. Nagyon mindenesetre nem szeretnék eltérni.

Kérem, akit érdekelne bármelyik opció, az jelezzen!

Köszönöm és üdv:

 SID-card 3rd batch

Your sidcard guru has some words for ya, so you have to wait another masters to translate it to not-hungarian vers. Addig is let's get "Yeah!" :

The SID card orders are slowly trickling in, and there's enough to warrant the manufacturing of a 3rd batch. However, there's an "interesting" new development: bszggg has a couple of old SID chips, and we thought that we could have a "limited edition" with those. This means that the cards would work with 6581 SIDs, AND they come with an actual 6581 SID chip as well! The component prices - fortunately - haven't changed too much, so the following options would be available:

#1: 8580 version, without SID: 36EUR + VAT
#2: 6581 version, without SID: 36EUR + VAT
#3: 6581 version, with SID chip: 41EUR + VAT

Naturally option #3 is available in limited numbers. These are only planned places, there's one component which I cannot find at my current dealer, so I do not know the price of that one. I also haven't asked the PCB manufacturer yet, hopefully there won't be any big surprises there either. Nevertheless, I don't want to deviate too much from those prices.

Whoever is interested, please let me know!

Thanks and best regards:

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