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on 2013-11-14
 Re: "Memento" Test Your Memory With Style

Don't want to take this thread too off-topic, but I have to reply to that: I think we ARE interested in your scores. There's several reasons:

1) The creators are likely to be happy that their work is actually getting used - people play the game.

2) The more scores there are, the better: having a top list with only one score is meaningless. Is that score a good one? An exceptional one? I don't mind submitting my score for something like Dingbat: I did 4,000 something and MIK did 134,000 something happy That certainly puts things into context! If there were 10 different scores, it would be easy to see what's the average, and the exceptional ones look even better.

3) It's a reminder for yourself. If you're ever bored and have 15 minutes to kill, you might be happy to pick up and old game and give it a go, and see if you can beat your old score.

This has been a paid advertisement for Hall Of Fame. And now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

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on 2013-11-14
 Re: "Memento" Test Your Memory With Style

well, I will really test it. But I hardly believe that you will be interested in my "low scores" happy

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on 2013-11-14
 Re: "Memento" Test Your Memory With Style

Really great game. Thank you guys! A love to play on plus4. It is better than on pc. happy

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on 2013-11-14
 Re: "Memento" Test Your Memory With Style

BTW, don't forget to vote guys!

It literally takes a few seconds and it gives the new products a chance to be seen in the Top List. (If I could have my way, I'd ask for your high scores to be submitted too, but that would be too much... Right? happy)

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on 2013-11-14
 Re: "Memento" Test Your Memory With Style

Fun game and *very* polished. A really nice surprise. Good work, Skoro! More please! wink

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on 2013-11-13
 Re: "Memento" Test Your Memory With Style

Me too vote for the party "More Skoro in the Future"!

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on 2013-11-13
 Re: "Memento" Test Your Memory With Style

Ez nekem bejövős. Remek hangulat. Ez már AMIGA-s progikat is lever. happy Hihetetlen, hogy mennyire fel tudja dobni a játékot, hogy személy szól hozzád. Egy arc. És a zene is kiváló.
Tök kellemes hangulatot keltett itthon. happy Fiaimnak is tetszik. Bár a kicsi (6 éves) panaszkodott, hogy kevés az idő.

Szóval gratula! És köszönjük! Ez kellemes meglepetés volt!

 Re: "Memento" Test Your Memory With Style

This good for me. The atmosphere is great. This one's better than Amiga programs. It's amazing how much the game's improved by having a person talking to you. One face. And the music excellent too.
It created a pleasant atmosphere here at home. My boys like it as well. Although the little one (6-year-old) complained that there wasn't enough time.

So, congrats! And thank you! It was a pleasant surprise!

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on 2013-11-13
 Re: "Memento" Test Your Memory With Style

I haven't seen this before the release and I'm pleasantly surprised. The graphics is gorgeous and the gameplay is smooth. Very nice release!

Hope to see more from Skoro in the future happy

Posted By

on 2013-11-12
 Re: "Memento" Test Your Memory With Style

wonderfully polished game! congrats guys!

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on 2013-11-12
 Re: "Memento" Test Your Memory With Style

Me like! happy

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on 2013-11-12
 "Memento" Test Your Memory With Style

MementoTime passes for all of us, are you getting older and older, uh? ;) Are you worried for your synapses sparkling any day lesser than yesterday? No-oh-oo! You don't have to worry for that, because your old buddy, the Plus/4, comes to you in order to train your memory with a classic match-the-couples game!

Of course, it's November 2013, and nowadays the best scene's dudes know how to push a real classic like that to the apex of cuteness! It's Memento, a memory game just born under the Assassins label!
Whom we're talking about? Oh well, here comes a great comeback in the scene: the most appreciated Skoro, author of famous demos and games in the past and stronghold of the real oldschool way of coding! The awesome visuals are all from the well known Kichy, ubiquitous in these times (and of course the audience has reasons to be happy of that!). Listen to the sweet TED original tune, you should recognize him because at this point you should have heard his music in several other productions...yes he's Csabo of LOD, gotcha!

The quality is very high, the game is nicely entertaining and you have 20 levels of increasing difficulty and different graphics to play with. Sometimes, there's no need of revolutionary ideas to release a highly enjoyable game.
Memento homo, quia Plussier es et in Plussierem reverteris! :D

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