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on 2011-07-04
 Re: Pluvi T-Shirt From 1993

Oh welll, at this point let's remember that any time I did a Logo Compo, the prize was a tshirt with the winner logo printed on, hence I wanna see 3 tshirt respectively linked to the right compo page happy

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on 2011-07-04
 Re: Pluvi T-Shirt From 1993

Good thing he didn't wear/wash it then, as it got preserved happy I sent you his email address.

Edit: Bionic, you're right about the date of Future World. The credits part clearly give the date and mentions the party, so the 1992 was a typo.

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on 2011-07-04
 Re: Pluvi T-Shirt From 1993

i also went to the pluvi party and bought the T-shirt! only after 2 or 3 times in the washing machine the +4 picture was gone!!

@csabo, do you have martin's email address? i know him, but lost contact somewhere in the 90's!!

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on 2011-07-04
 Re: Pluvi T-Shirt From 1993

This Pluvi Party has been cited in several mags, the only referring software I can point is 5 Years Pluvi Party Celebration.

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on 2011-07-04
 Re: Pluvi T-Shirt From 1993

I believe that is where we (Synergy) released "Future World" - or at least attempted to, because the attending crowd was not pleased with having to watch demos with the lights being turned off.

The date in the database seems to be incorrect, then.

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on 2011-07-03
 Pluvi T-Shirt From 1993

Pluvi T-ShirtAnother old relic arrived in our mailbox, from Martin Voerman, hailing from Holland. He was one of the folks who attended the 5 Year Pluvi celebration party. (Pluvi is a German disk-mag.) The party was held in 1993/10/23 in Krefeld (Tönisvorst), Germany. We currently don't have pages for parties, so I'll just mention a few details here: announcements can be found in Elder News 04 and Scene Focus 06, both mags mentioning that many people will attend.

Martin remembered a few more details (paraphrasing):
"I drove about 200km to get to the place and could not find it at first (TomTom didn't exist back then). There were a few more Dutch people at the party, I also remember an artist working on maybe the demo, he had graffiti all over the computer and drive. The T-shirts were sold at the party to get money for pizza.

Earlier I sent a letter to the creator of Pluvi about translating it to English. He said no problem, just do it. At the party I showed an English Pluvi. I think my nick was Spooky back then. For me I think it was the end of my plus/4 time, didn't unpack most of my boxes after I returned."
The T-Shirt is a little yellowed, but it still proudly shows off our beloved machine... Cool stuff! Do you have any old Plussy relics to share? Dig them out and send them in!

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