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on 2002-07-31

You guys are great, thanx for the info. Its nice to see I wasn't the only one that enjoyed it happy

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on 2002-07-31

One of my wife's favorite time killers... still plays it on the PC.
Here are a couple of the older versions that were modified to run on the Plus4. One I compiled to run faster. There is also a newer version called 1000mile that won't run on the Emus yet, until I rewrite it to avoid certain disk access routines. There is a screen grab of it, though, that I got off my real Plus4


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on 2002-07-31

I played this game in real life (=with real cards) as a kid while growing in Hungary. Was there an implementation of it for the C16/Plus4? If anyone has it, we have to add it to the database!

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on 2002-07-31
 Fun Game

Mille Bourne... or 1000 mile

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on 2002-07-31
 Does anyone know the name of this game?

I used to love this game when I was a kid, and am looking for it, but don't remember the name. It was based on a French card game, involving driving, and you are dealt cards such as out of gas, right of way etc.

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