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on 2009-02-08
 Re: Miniwrite

Just to make sure:

KEY 1,CHR$(133)
KEY 2,CHR$(134)
KEY 3,CHR$(135)
KEY 8,CHR$(136)

Change the menu to "F1 - Quit, F2 - New, F3 - LOAD, HELP - SAVE"

You might want to redefine the other keys to "nothing" because in the usual state they will represent multiple key strokes. Which leads us to the next problem: CHR$(34) (it's used on key 5 if not redefined) will mess up the program. So you should check for it anyway. Press (") and see what happens.

Also make sure that "SAVE" is not a valid option if no file has been opened before (or no new file has been created).

Generally, check your programs on plus/4 (or in an emulator) to see if they work. There are lots of "pseudo-converted" programs which seem to run at first sight but run into problems at some point (e.g. "unconverted" C 64 POKES, wrong colors). Afterall, this is a plus/4 related community happy

Posted By

on 2009-02-08
 Re: Miniwrite

First of all, modify the POKEs in line 10. Csabo explained in the other post how to check for plus/4.

To get the f-keys like on C 64 you could do this:

FOR F=1 TO 8: KEY F,CHR$(132+F):NEXT

However, this requires an f-key layout like on C 64, meaning F1, F3, F5 and F7, shifted F2, F4, F6 and F8.

On plus/4 you have F1, F2, F3, HELP (F8), shifted F4, F5, F6 and F7.

So make sure, you redefine the f-keys according to the layout! (That's usually the better way around). And also change the "menu" accordingly.

When quitting the program, you should redefine the f-keys with the normal strings because people don't like when "DIRECTORY" etc is suddenly missing wink

Posted By

on 2009-02-08
 Re: Miniwrite

Also keep in mind that the plus/4's f-keys have a different layout compared to the C 64.

Posted By

on 2009-02-07
 Re: Miniwrite

Do I need to add KEY 1," " etc.?


Posted By

on 2009-02-07
 Re: Miniwrite

This doesn't work on the Plus/4 or the C16. The F keys cannot be checked like that without being reprogrammed.

Posted By

on 2009-02-07

I put together a small (<2 KB) word processor called Miniwrite. You can download it here:


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