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on 2009-02-04
 Re: New SD2IEC from NKCElectronics

My SD2IEC is apparently on its way, so I'll let you know how it works out. If theres anything anyone would like me to try with it, let me know.

Thanks for the post about it! happy

Posted By

on 2009-02-03
 Re: New SD2IEC from NKCElectronics

Hello Solder,
glad to see you here again happy as an active member!

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on 2009-02-02
 Re: New SD2IEC from NKCElectronics


does anyone know that one of the plus/4's 1541-speeder is compatible with the integrated speeders of SD2IEC? (Speeder List from readme: Turbodisk, Final Cartridge III, Action Replay 6, Dreamload, Jiffydos)

Actually I build my own SD2IED wich looks like http://www.pitsch.de/stuff/mmc2iec/index.htm#A56 but with actual hardware design by Shadowolf. But I thinking about an integrated SD-card slot in plus/4...


Posted By

on 2009-01-31
 New SD2IEC from NKCElectronics

NKC Electronics has developed a new SD2IEC flashcard drive for the Commodore. The older version has been sold out for months. Now the new version is out in prototype form.

The new SD2IEC comes in two parts, a mainboard and an optional daughterboard. NKC Electronics' Tony Kim explains, "The idea of having a separate board for the connectors is to be able to install the main board inside a DTV, Commodore console, or 1541 box. Or users can create a 1541 look-alike box with the SD2IEC inside. Having the boards separate helps in creating custom layouts. It was suggested by Shadowolf, the designer of the SD2IEC hardware."

Furthermore, he says, "The boards were tested by Shadowolf with all the JiffyDOS and other turbo loaders as supported by the SD2IEC firmware.... The board fully implements the original Shadowolf SD2IEC v1.2 design. I even added the rest of the unused pins of the atmega644p chip as pads on the PCB, for users to add possible future enhancements. The layout on the PCB was mine, but it was reviewed by Shadowolf (he is way more picky in following good electronics design rules), so the PCB has his name on it, as a sign of 'approval'."

Tony also explains that there is limited availability, which means only 3 working prototypes. However, he said, "...as soon as interest grows, I can produce 100 or more (current PCB design) in days/weeks."

The links to the new SD2IEC pics are


Tony has been kind to send our club one of the prototypes for testing, and in the upcoming weeks I will report on our findings.

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
The Other Group of Amigoids
Southern California Commodore/Amiga Network

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