Posted By
MIK on 2015-04-21 19:23:33
| Re: Lunar Rescue Released
Not sure how I lost track of this! I did grab it at the time of it's release but some how I forgot about it...
How did I remember? I was doing a random browse for C16/Plus4 stuff on the web and came across this page...
It looks really nice I thought and then I started reading stuff such as this, "The Commodore 16 was released after the Plus/4, as a cut-down version with just 16K of RAM. Ok..., not true but whatever. Then I see on the right hand side, "Saboteur for the C16
The game Saboteur was originally developed for computers with at least 48 KB of RAM. But Luca of the Fantastic Italian Research Enterprise (FIRE) crew took on the challenge to make the game work on the Commodore 16. He had to drop a few features but you can now play the game on the C16 and a trainer is included!".
After I stopped laughing I then caught Lunar Rescue and started thinking where had I seen that before lol.
Hey Daniel, really sorry this is long over due but you did a really cool job making this game for 264 machines! I just fired up Taito Legends 2 on classic XBOX to compare the real arcade machine and though yours is not like for like, you did a fantastic job capturing what makes the game tick and did really well copying the graphic look for a shorter screen! Even more amazing is that your game is done with BASIC and it runs quicker than the arcade machine does! Great little game and loving it on 264.