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| Previous Messages | Posted By
 Luca on 2014-05-22 02:36:49
 | Re: HVTC Update May 2014
A classic. After the release of an updated HVTC: - at time +00:10 you think you covered all the possible TED sound stuff and can't found any further; - at time +18:00 you've already collected one fix and 3 new files you didn't consider before 
Posted By
 Luca on 2014-05-20 19:33:33
 | Re: HVTC Update May 2014
I confess, there's a TED tune I can't resist singing as chorus when I hear it  player/musicians/cross_stuart/megabolts.prg
Posted By
 Spektro on 2014-05-20 14:09:51
 | Re: HVTC Update May 2014
Excellent! Thank you very much for the update!
These are my favourite tunes:
Old classics: player/games/exorcist.prg player/games/terra_nova.prg player/games/walaki.prg player/musicians/galway_martin/daley_thompsons_star_events.prg
More recent tunes: player/musicians/4-mat/ikaruga.prg player/musicians/legion_of_doom/csabo/8sob_ati.prg player/musicians/legion_of_doom/csabo/8sob_dcd.prg player/musicians/legion_of_doom/csabo/8sob_murphy.prg player/musicians/legion_of_doom/csabo/cd4.prg player/musicians/legion_of_doom/csabo/club_info_133.prg player/musicians/legion_of_doom/csabo/nyan_cat.prg player/musicians/legion_of_doom/csabo/vancouver_2010.prg player/musicians/legion_of_doom/tom/hutlen.prg player/musicians/luca/8sob_mermaid.prg player/musicians/luca/adventures_in_time_ingame.prg player/musicians/luca/adventures_in_time_intro.prg player/musicians/luca/adventures_in_time_title.prg player/musicians/sire/fukwitteddy.prg player/musicians/the_electronic_knights/degauss/haziasan.prg player/musicians/the_electronic_knights/degauss/notizen_aus_der_provinz.prg player/musicians/the_electronic_knights/degauss/states_united.prg player/musicians/the_electronic_knights/degauss/zenith_of_puberty.prg player/musicians/tlc/newday.prg
Posted By
 Luca on 2014-05-19 14:09:51
 | HVTC Update May 2014
Long time not seen with the High Voltage TED Collection, aka HVTC, which now is very close to contain all the known significative TED music that has been produced overall. After a whole year now, here comes the brand new update for the HVTC!
We've reached the notable number of 391 single files overall, preserving the classic folder structure with both untouched piece of the original code and the quickly runnable ones. Some previously added tunes have been fixed or swapped with a better version (not Metamerism file, which still has been claimed to be a slightly different version compared to the one actually played in the released demo), and there are several new folders too. Let's sum up addons both from the '80ies games (Nike hawk, Blockbusters, Footballer Of The Year...) and the most recent releases (Warrior of RAS Volume I - Dunzhin, Sgt. Helmet Zero, Amiga Music Box 1...), and a shiny number of 66 managed files pops out from the hat!
Don't forget to completely delete the whole previous collection (that's the way to do at any new update!), then download/unzip the new one! This is the straight link to the ZIP file.
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