Posted By
 Csabo on 2012-12-23 23:12:34
| A Little Holiday Gift From BSZ
This should make the Plus/4 World demo-enthusiasts (cough...*Luca*...cough) happy! BSZ/NST send some goodies our way: - Would you like to see Stinky's First demo? Now you can! - What, there was a part that never made it to The 2nd? For realz, yo! - Speaking of which, did you know that The 2nd has a hidden mode, and that the "notes" file was stuffed onto an already full disk? Read the author's notes! - Who could have been responsible for Kedvenc Sidplay? BSZ has a few words about this piece of software as well. Big cheers to BSZ for digging these up from his old disks (and his memory)!