Previous Messages |
Posted By
 Luca on 2011-03-07 14:51:13
 | Re: Come To Busodore!
Aaaaand thaaanks! Believe me, I would really celebrate my birthday at the party!
Posted By
 Csio on 2011-03-07 14:49:55
| Re: Come To Busodore!
Posted By
 Ati on 2011-03-07 14:05:17
| Re: Come To Busodore
Hey organizers! I see now the results. Where is Poison's picture?
Fotos from Charlie:
Posted By
 Luca on 2011-03-07 13:43:31
 | Re: Come To Busodore!
Aaaah got it, you know shit happens, go on! Pimp My Part added on Pouet, and I made a video of it.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2011-03-07 13:40:56
| Re: Come To Busodore!
Króna had the disk ready to release, but there was a last minute problem. My part wasn't packed, so it took up 150 blocks - which did not fit on the disk. He exo'd it in a hurry, and that worked (it would fit on the disk), but unfortunately the new executable did not run... That's probably why the releases are a bit delayed.
Posted By
 Luca on 2011-03-07 12:49:51
 | Re: Come To Busodore!
Stupid? Why stupid!? You've simply marked wrong an entry, and I called the maintainers in order to fix it! Ok, I'm gonna add'em to Pouet too, upload the plussi stuff here at +4W. 
Posted By
 Csio on 2011-03-07 12:47:35
| Re: Come To Busodore!
Luca: I am stupid to Pouet as you know and see, so please help in this! Chronos has the releases, he will pack it and make a dir and will spread it to you have a good photostore database?
Posted By
 Luca on 2011-03-07 12:33:06
 | Re: Come To Busodore!
You may upload here @ +4world the Plus/4 releases and I'll do the rest. After that, you shall also be able to update on Pouet linking from here and using +4world's download links as refers.
Posted By
 Csio on 2011-03-07 12:29:51
| Re: Come To Busodore!
Thank you Visitors for visiting, i think it was a good party, because Csabo arrived from CANADA!
Hey Luca, whats with your new-house-party? I havent get the invitro :)
Wait the releases!!! The winner gfx is roxx!
Posted By
 Luca on 2011-03-07 07:52:29
 | Re: Come To Busodore!
Noooo!  I can't believe that the party managers did not release anything!
Posted By
 Ati on 2011-03-10 13:36:21
| Re: Come To Busodore!
You can see c64 releases on csdb. Plus4world is sleeping... Csabo will go home on wednesday, he is meeting his relatives in Eger, and he has main thing it in his life now, i think.
The party and buso festival were very very good.
There were some old sceners in the paryt, Jeva, Mucsi, TCFS, Pigmy, Siz, Moldi, Murphy, Wman, DCD, Csio, Chronos, Bsz, Sensor, Stinky, Atisoft, Lacoste, TLC, Coyote and some c64, amiga, pc sceners, and of course Csabo. Jeva presented a very interest interview and presentation. Bsz had an SID card presentation. We saw Defender of the Crown conversion by Siz, and a new logical game from Csabo, Bomberman gamecompo, a lot of older party pictures on the walls (it was good idea), Plus4 with mouse by TLC, an SD card based floppy emulator... Siz had (has) a very useful hardware, an usb video (and audio?) grabber, it shows the real plus4 screen on his laptop. The gfx compo winner picture is very hard, and it comes from Poland! It kills Leon's, Grass's and Poison's pictures.
Thanx to organizers, and i hope we will go to Mohács again. 
Posted By
 Chronos on 2011-03-06 17:03:46
 | Re: Come To Busodore!
Busodore 2011 party Mohacs, Hungary 5-6. March 2011
.:..official results..:. --------------------------
.:. Gfx compo: .:. ------------------
1, Wonderland - Piesiu of Agenda (c+4) (Multicolor Fli) 2, Busófőr - Grass of Avatar (c64) (NuFli) 3, Anna in Action - Leon of Chorus, Resource, Singular (c64) (Multicolor) 4, Ninja - Atisoft (c+4) (Hires) 5, Swordman - Atisoft (c+4) (Hires) 6, Majalis - Atisoft (c+4) (Multicolor Fli)
.:. Demo compo: .:. -------------------
1, Perfect Visions 3 (85%) - Ati (c+4)
.:. Pimp my part compo .:. --------------------------
1, Pimp my Part! - Csabo of Lod (c+4)
.:. Game .:. ------------
1, Mini Crackout - Moldi (c+4)
.:. Wild .:. ------------
1, Offline Shop (Video) - Los Angeles Lamers 2, Donnerstag Nachmittag (mp3) - Dr. Dolf of LAL 3, Information (pic) - Dr. Dolf of LAL
.:. Bomberman Multiplayer compo .:. -----------------------------------
1, Atisoft 2, Bence 3, Mackós srác
.:. Funcompo .:. ----------------
1, Trabant busó shot - Charlie 2, Disco Hair 3, Camouflaged - Poison
.:. Bonus Prize: .:. --------------------
Pigmy for Pigmy Fastloader
Posted By
 Csio on 2011-03-05 01:25:29
| Re: Come To Busodore!
stfu! fix soon
03.05th. SHOWTIME!
Posted By
 Lacoste on 2011-03-03 15:11:44
 | Re: Come To Busodore!
The visitors page is only IE compatible ? Firefox-on levágja az alját! 
Posted By
 Csio on 2011-03-03 11:37:13
| Re: Come To Busodore!
TPSH can't come 
Posted By
 Ati on 2011-03-01 11:53:21
| Re: Come To Busodore!
Wman will come too.
Ah Degauss, it isn't good news. 
Posted By
 Csabo on 2011-03-01 07:55:14
| Re: Come To Busodore!
Too bad man, it would have been nice to meet again... I don't have to tell you that this isn't an opportunity that comes along every weekend. 
Will we see a Degauss-pimped part at least?
Posted By
 Degauss on 2011-03-01 06:03:36
| Re: Come To Busodore!
As much as i would love to be there, i fear i can't make it. *cry* Everybody please drink an extra Dreher for me...
Posted By
 Csio on 2011-02-26 10:11:24
| Re: Come To Busodore!
TPSH is in with his 50%! webpage Updating will soon....
page updated with 4 more visitors!
Posted By
 Luca on 2011-02-23 15:49:40
 | Re: Come To Busodore!
The best Plus/4 party ever, and I won't be there neither in person nor with a release  Today I've got big troubles with banks transfering money, hence probably I'll buy my new the same time Busodore will rock! So bad men, so bad!
Posted By
 Lacoste on 2011-02-23 15:19:50
 | Re: Come To Busodore!
Tiger/UF is in!
Posted By
 Ati on 2011-02-21 10:23:38
| Re: Come To Busodore!
Crafty registered too. Hu, the registration list is very nice.
Posted By
 MMS on 2011-02-20 17:17:41
 | Re: Come To Busodore!
OMG! The Semogods are coming!
Repülöm lenne én is mennék, de most csak sajna buszom van és az se akkor megy amikor én szeretném...
Ah, használjátok ki erős kapcsolati hálótokat, és építtessetek gyorsan egy MO körgyűrűt, könyörgöm ! Győr - Szombathely - Zalaegerszeg - NagyKanizsa - Pécs - Baja - Szeged útvonalat javaslom így hirtelenjében 
Posted By
 Csio on 2011-02-19 22:14:30
| Re: Come To Busodore!
Jaj, Lákó, szerinted csak a Csabot hozza a repülőgép egyedül? Nem hallottál a többi scenerről? pl. az 5TCG-ről, az Öt-Tó Cracker Groupról, vagy az ÉASH, az Észak-Apalache Software Houseról, esetleg a HPC-ről a Hudson Programming Corporationról? Ők mind jönnek, így indítják csak a járatot.
and guess who is the next visitor......
PIGMY ofkoz!!!
The MAD and KNM is in too!!
Posted By
 Lacoste on 2011-02-05 04:55:18
 | Re: Come To Busodore!
Aztán hányan jönnek Canada-ból? 
| Re: Come To Busodore!
And how many people are coming from Canada? 
Posted By
 Csio on 2011-02-04 17:41:40
| Re: Come To Busodore!
BudoDore, haha, thanks, majd leverem rajtad!
Posted By
 Csabo on 2011-02-04 17:05:24
| Re: Come To Busodore!
Translation of the highlighted passage (massive run-on sentence!)
"... and even though Busójárás is a tradition keeping event, fans of Commodore - a landmark in information technology development - are also setting up camp in our city: BudoDore is an 8-bit retro computer party to which visitors are coming from many European countries and even Canada."
Posted By
 siz on 2011-01-28 08:49:36
| Re: Come To Busodore!
Chances for a demo are extremely low but I'll present a game for sure. I just hope that it'll be finished by then. :S
Posted By
 Csabo on 2011-01-28 07:25:34
| Re: Come To Busodore!
Awesome! Chances of a siz release?
Posted By
 siz on 2011-01-28 02:06:57
| Re: Come To Busodore!
I'll be there too. I don't know when, how long but I'll appear at least for a short time. Most probably I'll drive home late night.
Posted By
 Csio on 2011-01-27 19:02:02
| Re: Come To Busodore!
Közös sajtótájékoztatón mutatkozik be a Miskolci Kocsonyafesztivál és a Mohácsi Busójárás. A két város tavaly írt alá együttműködési megállapodást. Ebben a felek megállapodtak abban, hogy kölcsönösen népszerűsítik egymás nagyrendezvényét. Miskolc három napra átkereszteli főterét Busó térre és rendezvényére busók, zenészek, sokac jányok utaznak, Mohács csak két dologot kért: TCFS és CSM .... 
Posted By
 TLC on 2011-01-26 16:45:11
| Re: Come To Busodore!
Nah... great news Csabo! 
Posted By
 Csio on 2011-01-26 15:00:01
| Re: Come To Busodore!
... and the first of registered peoples who cracked and trained the mailform of busodore. Its time to leave it with the original items. SO WHO IS THE BEST AGAIN??????????? HHHHUUUUUURRRRRÁÁÁÁÁÁ!!!!!!!!! Soros Gyuri bácsi meghallgatta az imáimat!!! KÖSZI CSABO, BÍZTAM BENNED!!!!!!!!!! yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
 Dömötör is smiling well, because Csabo is coming!
 New slogan is here!
Posted By
 Csabo on 2011-01-26 07:43:17
| Re: Come To Busodore!
Well, look who just registered for Busodore. I'll tell you who, me, that's who!
Due to TLC's request I'm going to re-enact the conversation between Csabo (that's me) and Csio (the disorganizer of the party): Cs: Hey Csabo, come to my party! It's only 7200 kilometers from where you live! Cs: Psah, I don't have the money or the time. Cs: Come ooooonnnnn.... Cs: Fine, now stop hitting me with that brick.
True story! So, to sum it up, it's going to be a great party, don't miss it, I hope to meet lots of you there. Csabo is out, peace!
Posted By
 Csio on 2011-01-17 15:24:15
| Re: Come To Busodore!
And here is the english version, too!!
Siz is in too, with some c64&amiga faces together
Posted By
 Ati on 2011-01-14 06:48:40
| Re: Come To Busodore!
Good! Very gooooood! 
Posted By
 Csio on 2011-01-13 16:34:41
| Re: Come To Busodore!
Have a new page, but it's Hungarian version yet give me 2 days
Posted By
 Lacoste on 2010-12-23 15:25:29
 | Re: Come To Busodore!
Csabo! Így nem ér ha kiszeded a spam hozzászólást, értékét veszti az enyém 
Posted By
 Csio on 2010-12-23 08:15:17
| Re: Come To Busodore!
Hey, Lako, just for you (with me)
Posted By
 Lacoste on 2010-12-23 05:15:14
 | Re: Come To Busodore!
Yes! Csio organized a porno party 
Posted By
 Csio on 2010-12-19 14:30:45
| Re: Come To Busodore!
Csumi is from Mohács. He is a big fan of Plus/4 games. Very good face 
C.S.I. Hungary will coming too! TLC and Coyote from the mighty Coroners will visit us!
Posted By
 Ati on 2010-12-18 12:04:59
| Re: Come To Busodore!
Hey! Who is Csumi? I think... Is he?
Posted By
 YERZMYEY on 2010-12-07 04:01:45
 | Re: Come To Busodore!
ARGH. Such a loooong way.
Posted By
 Csio on 2010-12-06 17:21:29
| Re: Come To Busodore!
OMG! Do you know who is the best again? Do you know who will coming? Do you know what is the real retro? Do you know who is the biggest gfxman on Plus/4? Do you know who was one of the CGIanimators in the Terminator3? Do you know what is KAFF-prize? Do you understand what does it mean, JEVA/MB ????????
just check and come
OMG, it is real, so let's collect some money to Csabo for planetickets or uboot-sailor-licence 
Posted By
 Luca on 2010-11-26 16:53:50
 | Re: Come To Busodore!
If Tamás will come at the party, I'm ready to drop the job forever, steal a car, drive till the place and be part of it 
Posted By
 Csio on 2010-11-26 09:09:30
| Re: Come To Busodore!
bigthx! Ati, you are my man!
but hey, what can i see in the page?
TCFS REGISTERED HIMSELF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!! :)
OMG! It will be very kewl, or whadda!
So, don't hesitate anymore, just register!!!!
| (no topic)
hágyeremáne, meja tcfösö is együn, ne nézzé, te se Lákó!
Posted By
 Ati on 2010-11-26 06:28:57
| Re: Come To Busodore!
Csio! I sent the partyinfo to my plus4 friends on iwiw. MC/EDC sent forward it to his facebook friends.
Posted By
 Csio on 2010-11-26 05:28:50
| Re: Come To Busodore!
c'mon guys, let's register! The rullers of C64 was registering and they will coming! One of these have a super release! hack and bring!
Posted By
 Csio on 2010-11-19 18:56:04
| Re: Come To Busodore!
Thanx for your fast registrations, folks! Lacoste, you were the FIRST, after Gaia, then Murphy, and now Degauss. See you there, at that time!
busowalker sztipanov
nov. 20.: welcome ATI, too!
Posted By
 Rachy on 2010-11-17 14:47:21
| Re: Come To Busodore!
Well, have fun guys! I can't be there.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2010-11-17 14:47:21
| Come To Busodore!
We're here to announce a new 8-bit demoparty: Busodore! The party is organized by Csio/Monarchy, and it will take place in Mohács, Hungary (the hometown of Muffbusters!). The date for the party is the first weekend of March: 2011/03/05-06. There's not a lot of details at the moment since the page is up to confirm if there is interest. We certainly hope there is, so sign up now if you think you can make it!