Posted By
JimmyCoupe on 2021-02-09 08:36:20
| Has anyone tried ION Tape2PC to preserve their tapes?
Has anyone had any luck or tried using the ION Tape2PC device to backup their tapes? I have been playing this morning but even with messing around with the mic/gain levels I can not seem to get a working .TAP from it.
I assume the tool on the site WAV2TAP is a trusty tool for converting the .WAV? all my .TAP conversions result in a ?BREAK ERROR at the point the game is found. Backups are being tested in YAPE and VICE.
I can now make backups of my cassettes :-)
For anyone else who is having trouble and looking to learn here are a few pointers:
1) Use a trusty tape deck like you might use for loading Spectrum games and connect it via the mic in on the sound card 2) capture the WAV in Audiacity. The gain level is very important, check the internet as there are clear guides, same rules as C64. 3) Then use audiotap to convert the WAV to a .TAP. This is where I was going wrong, make sure the "Inverted WaveForm" box is ticked and select C16 as the output. 4) Test and you should have a working C16/Plus4 tape backup
Hope this helps someone in the future.