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on 2016-11-21
 Re: Finally got a 1541=II now I can take over the world!

[Clear] is a shifted Clear/Home, as Csabo said, and will display on the screen as a reverse heart when you're in quote mode. When you're not in quote mode, it'll clear the screen.

Similarly, text colors can be "programmed" into a printable line by pressing their keyboard equivalents while you're in quote mode. If you look at the FRONT of the number keys, you'll see black, white, etc. Press Control and that number to change the text color to that color. (For the second line of colors, such as orange and brown, press the Commodore key instead of Control.) These will also display as a reverse character when you're typing the program in, but they'll "do their thing" when you run the program.

Posted By

on 2016-11-21
 Re: Finally got a 1541=II now I can take over the world!

It's along the lines of Print " {CLR} {Colorgray} " I'd pull it from the book but bomb jack is blocked at school :/

Posted By

on 2016-11-21
 Re: Finally got a 1541=II now I can take over the world!

{CLR} refers to the Clear Home key on the keyboard. On an actual Plus/4, the key at the right/top is Inst Del, Clear Home is immediately to the left of it. In YAPE, the equivalent is the Home key on the PC keyboard.

When you press this key by itself, it moves the cursor to the top/left of the screen. When you press it with Shift, it clears the screen. I'm assuming this is what they want you to type.

Posted By

on 2016-11-21
 Re: Finally got a 1541=II now I can take over the world!

I've been using the floppy to save it :P

Posted By

on 2016-11-21
 Re: Finally got a 1541=II now I can take over the world!

It helps quite a bit. Until the SD2IEC gets here, I've been trying to type in programs.... what might {CLR} be? The big 16/+4 games book says that anything in { } is some sort of key press.

Posted By

on 2016-11-20
 Re: Finally got a 1541=II now I can take over the world!

That's cool!

So, back to your original question, there are several answers given above. Did any of those actually answer your question regarding NTSC games? If not, perhaps could you be more specific?

Posted By

on 2016-11-19
 Re: Finally got a 1541=II now I can take over the world!

Not a demon D: a demo!

Posted By

on 2016-11-19
 Re: Finally got a 1541=II now I can take over the world!

The disk drive had the demon disk with it! With a Plussy Basic Demon on it grin

Posted By

on 2016-11-18
 Re: Finally got a 1541=II now I can take over the world!

Bill Degnan's collection of NTSC Plus/4 programs are at


Some of Jim Hehl's PAL-to-NTSC converted programs are at


The Particles! BBS has a NTSC Plus/4 section. Go to


Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group

Posted By

on 2016-11-17
 Re: Finally got a 1541=II now I can take over the world!

Our site doesn't have a quick link to NTSC games specifically, or disk-based games specifically. A site administrator would need to generate such a list, like Csabo did for you in this thread: http://plus4world.powweb.com/forum/32986

If you want to Ebay original disks, that list is a good starting point. You'll want to click each title on Csabo's list to see if it was offered on disk, on tape, or as a cartridge -- many entries offer photos of the original packaging and media (disk or tape) to help you narrow your choices down.

If you have, or plan to buy, a cable to allow you to transfer downloaded files to your 1541 (the X-1541 series cable I mentioned in that thread), then you can acquire many more games from this site. Single disk games can be downloaded as .d64 files (such as Hitchhiker's Guide and The Hulk), or you can copy several .prg files (such as World Series Baseball) to one disk.

Posted By

on 2016-11-16
 Finally got a 1541=II now I can take over the world!

So um...... Now what! Only game I have that can utilize the floppy drive is Strange Odyssey...

What floppy games are there for a NTSC plussy

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