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![](/images/g.gif) George on 2013-12-10 18:23:35
![](/images/avatars/0021.gif) | Re: Das Maschinensprache zu C16, C116 und Plus/4
I wasn't referring especially to the Rom routines, but my favorite book is this:
Programmer's Reference Guide for the Commodore Plus /4 from Cyndie Merten and Sarah Meyer.
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![](/images/g.gif) C16 Chris on 2013-12-10 14:24:27
![](/images/avatars/0010.jpg) | Re: Das Maschinensprache zu C16, C116 und Plus/4
I have one scanned
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C16 Machine Language from Melbourne House
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![](/images/g.gif) Litwr on 2013-12-09 12:17:21
| Re: Das Maschinensprache zu C16, C116 und Plus/4
Could you write the title of book in English with so good description of ROM's routines?
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![](/images/g.gif) George on 2013-12-08 10:10:16
![](/images/avatars/0021.gif) | Re: Das Maschinensprache zu C16, C116 und Plus/4
I have this book. it is rare, but not very well written. There are far better book's in english.
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![](/images/g.gif) Litwr on 2013-12-05 08:20:43
| Das Maschinensprache zu C16, C116 und Plus/4
I made xerox of 60 pages of this book at 1988. It contains (besides other things) very good description of the ROM's routines. My poor German allows me to understand less than 33% of text. This is very rare book - I can't even google its title. I can only dream about its English translation...
It is odd that information from this book is missed by emucamp to 2013! It is also true for "Alles Uber den Plus 4" - it is good about ROM hardware.