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on 2012-03-04
 July 28-29 CommVEx pre-announcement

Things are shaping up nicely for the 8th annual Commodore Vegas Expo to be held on July 28-29 at the Las Vegas Club Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. As in past years, we'll have Commodore and Amiga exhibits, presentations, and raffle and door prizes. New hardware for your Commodores is planned to be released/re-released at CommVEx. On that same weekend, Def Con 20 and RollerCon 2012 will be in town for those who have an interest in more activities in addition to CommVEx. happy

For more information on CommVEx accommodations and details on the prizes and exhibits and presentations, go to


or check out the CommVEx category at


Check back at the two sites often, especially as the time of CommVEx draws near!

Robert Bernardo
organizer - Commodore Vegas Expo v8

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