Previous Messages |
Posted By
 Csabo on 2002-10-29
| To Noro:
There you go, they have been added.
Posted By
 Noro on 2002-09-20
| Game descriptions
Csabo, could You include the descriptions of the games posted on the Minigame Compo into the games' pages on this site?
Posted By
 Luca on 2002-09-19
 | Eheh...
Hey MC, were you grabbed 'cause the scrolling in Racer, eh? 
Posted By
 MC on 2002-09-19
 | c00l
I was most amazed by the racer program That's incredible in 1K Grats
Posted By
 Thomas on 2002-09-18
| (no topic)
Csabo, it might be short, but I am very aware of the fact that it's only 1k small! Since I program every now and then myself, I do know how little 1 kB is. You've done a really great job there!  I really wonder how you managed to stuff Tetris or this adventure in 1 KB of memory, that's incredible! 
Posted By
 Noro on 2002-09-18
| Wow!
Csabo, I love the Your tetris1k! Could not stop playing it! And You have the only text adventure in the minigame compo! And all that in 1024 bytes!
Great work
Posted By
 Csabo on 2002-09-17
| Good Job
Lord Voldemort gets the throphy for solving it first!!! I know it was too easy for a seasoned adventurer, but it's only 1K...
Posted By
 Thomas on 2002-09-17
| Solved it! :)
Hi Csabo,
great work!  I've just solved your adventure. 

Greetz, Lord Voldemort
Posted By
 Luca on 2002-09-17
 | Tetris 1K
No, simply fantastic, that game's simply fantastic! :D
Posted By
 Csabo on 2002-09-17
| Thank guys!
I think they have turned out okay... I've noticed after submitting them that the Memory game's documentation contains POKEs that don't work... Whoops! Doesn't matter I guess. What I really wished for is to people to play with them. That's the ultimate goal of writing games I wonder if anyone will be solve my adventure game - or rather who will be the first one to solve it!
Posted By
 RKSoft on 2002-09-17
 | RE:4 1Ks for +4!
Thats right - cool games!!!
Posted By
 MIK on 2002-09-17
 | 4 1Ks for +4!
Excellent achievements, very cool works Csabo 