Download Sites
The Plus/4 Internet Archive
Looking for software? If it's on-line, you will find it on one of the sites below.
Plus/4 World
Plus/4 World
Plus4 World: That's us. Updated all the time!
(19215 links)
The new incarnation of Rulez.org. Continuously updated, it is now the largest existent 264 software archive in the whole WWW, from where you can easily pick up all the known stuff.
(18154 links)
The historical Plus/4 FTP archive, located in Hungary. Also home of the Plus/4 Mailing List.
(15635 links)
Great german site run by A. Tallen, Hoppy and Webspezi. Games, demos and educational software.
(520 links)
A Commodore FTP site maintained by Bo Zimmerman.
(12088 links)
A Funet mirror.
(1339 links)
no image available

A funet.fi mirror.
(744 links)
Bszggg's site.
(1041 links)
Bauknecht homepage.
(7 links)
Doc & Top's
Doc & Top's
German site with lots of demos online.
(165 links)
Yape homepage, maintained by Attila Grósz. History, hardware gallery, emulator comparison charts. Has a few rare programs.
(9 links)
Has VIC-20 and C=16 text adventures.
(23 links)
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(23 links)
RoePipi's homepage. Has three of his Plus/4 games online.
(3 links)
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A German site that covers many old computers.
(1781 links)
8-Bit World
no image available

A partial Funet mirror.
(155 links)
BSZ's Site
BSZ's Site
The site of BSZ/NST, home to NST's Audio Extension and NST's Monitor Extension.
(6 links)
no image available

George's site.
(5 links)
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Litwr's site.
(8 links)
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Other Sites
Lemon64 http://lemon64.comC64 game site.
World of Spectrum http://www.worldofspectrum.org/The official world archive for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum and the largest on-line gaming center on the Internet.
LemonAmiga http://lemonamiga.comAmiga game site.
Generation MSX http://www.generation-msx.nlA site dedicated to the MSX system.
CPC-Power http://www.cpc-power.com/Sauvegarde du patrimoine de l'Amstrad CPC.
AtariMania http://www.atarimania.comAtari game site.
AtariLegend http://www.atarilegend.com/An Atari site with an open source database.
Stairway To Hell http://www.stairwaytohell.com/BBC Electron site
GB64 http://gb64.comLarge list of C64 games.
DLH's Commodore Archive https://commodore.bombjack.org/A large archive of various retro systems, including Commodore.
YouTube http://www.youtube.comVideo sharing website.
CSDb http://csdb.dk/The C-64 Scene Database
Pouët.net http://www.pouet.netGeneral demoscene site for all platforms.
Internet Archive https://archive.org/Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
Spectrum Computing https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/Uses the popular open-source ZXDB database which was created by Einar Saukas for use by the whole ZX Spectrum community.
RetroÚjság https://retroujsag.com/Collection of Hungarian books and magazines about retro computers.
16 found.

Sites That Are Down
C16 Chrishttp://www.c16chris.de/
Funet.fihttp://www.funet.fi/pub/cbm/plus4/Large program archive in Finland. It was maintained by Marko Mäkelä, now mirrored on other sites.
Rollenspielhaushttp://www.mmorpg-area.de/A German gaming site, mirrors almost all of Plus/4 World's content.
KobNethttp://kobnet.netA Funet mirror.
Martnethttp://ftp.martnet.com/commie/plus4/index.htmlA Funet mirror.
TheOldComphttp://www.theoldcomputer.comA large ROM site.
UberLeethttp://www.uber-leet.com/An archive of Funet.
Maugli'shttp://www.szote.u-szeged.hu/neszt/plus4.htmlThe website of Maugli/EDC. Contains all EDC releases.
cbm264.comhttp://www.cbm264.com/*No more as a Plus4 related site*
TCFShttp://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/memphis/262/index.htmlTCFS Homepage. Not updated often. Has a few of his releases.
Chronoshttp://d-eyes.pganet.com/~chronos/plus4.htmHomepage for Chronos/TTC. Not updated.
Unlimitedhttp://www.c16doc.de/Homepage of Unlimited in Germany. Has all german diskmags online.
bubishttp://bubis.resource.cx/The site of bubis/resource.
Mastertronichttp://old-arcade.com/mastertronic/A site dedicated to Mastertronic. Has almost all C16/Plus4 Mastertronic releases available for download.
C16 Romshttp://cclassic.dyndns.org/Files/Plus4/Games/Computer Classic Games. Has more than 300 classic games online, also games for other platforms.
Polandhttp://plus4online.prv.plA polish site with Lando's old design and some games online. Maintained by Slatanic and Greg.
The Game Archiveshttp://thegamearchives.net
TQhttp://www.tq-gaming.com/C16.htmlHome of TQ, has a few classic games.
Diamond Softwarehttp://www.tiszanet.hu/kenderfono/dsess/ds.htmHomepage of Fatman, hosts the Arthur Noid PC demo and editor.
8-bit Nirvanaftp://ftp.zock.com/C16/Spiele/index.html21 games to download in D64 format.
ACE + WLShttp://acewls.ini.huMinipage for ACE + WLS.
Acmenethttp://acmenet.pointclark.net/computer_collection/Commodore_plus4/Plus4_tapes.htmNice collection of games, books, etc.
RomCHhttp://membres.lycos.fr/romch/tosec/c16prg/Appears to be an abandoned site with ROMs for multiple 8-bit systems.
Ozkanhttp://www.ozkan.co.uk/c64/history.htmlA Personal History of events relating to computer gaming. A few C16 games.
Real C64 Gameshttp://www.c64-games.co.uk/html/plus_4_games.htmSome games online, made by Rich Mace and Ealan Pearce.
Pirate'shttp://pirate.emucamp.comPirate's Portal - many C64 games, also games from other platforms.
GOTUhttp://gotu.uw.hu/GOTU Homepage, maintained by Lavina. Has most of their releases.
Italyhttp://utenti.lycos.it/TorinoGranata/p4_Games.htmlAn abandoned italian site by Torino Granata(?). Has games A-E.
DOTChttp://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Bay/8833/dotc/plus4/index.htmlA site dedicated to Defender of the Crown. Has the Plus/4 version available for download.
Madjockhttp://madjock.emulationworld.com/C16plus4/C16plus4.htm3 programs to download.
Stephan'shttp://www.retrosite.de/emulator/plus4/plus4.htmlStephan's retrocomputing site. Info, emus, sample games.
ATI'shttp://www.internetpont.host56.com/ATI's homepage, screenshots and descriptions, no download links.
agse.dehttp://www.agse.deA site with a few zipped games.
35 found.

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