| PLUS 4 IDE |
Plus4IDE is a Commodore Plus/4 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for PC.
A fast and convenient way to create and debug Plus4 software using the assembly language.
Currently it works with AS65 by Frank Vorstenbosch as the assembler and a number of emulators (YAPE, Minus4w or WinEMU).
This project was written because nothing like it was published before. It is now in a good, pretty much bug-free shape. Any modifications
should be easy to implement since the source code is provided. I will be glad to add anything to it if I can, just ask. Features:
- Fully featured text editor (copy/paste/undo, etc.)
- Syntax highlighting
- Built in help for mnemonics and TED registers
- Edit multiple files
- Remembers last file and last cursor position within all files
- Fully customizable AutoCode feature lets you insert commonly used code segments
- Quickly Compile and Run with one key! (F5)
|  The Plus4IDE in action. |
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| Written by Csabo of LOD in 2000-2009. Any feedback is welcome.
Plus4IDE is freeware. This software uses the excellent freeware CodeMax control develoed by Barry Allyn.
Portions Copyright 1997-2000 Barry Allyn. All rights reserved.
I hope this will inspire some of you to sit down and write some code for the Plus4...
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