ScreenshotDisAss - Commodore Plus/4 File DisAssembler

Written by Csabo of LOD 2000-2013.

This software runs on PCs under the Win32 platform. It disassembles Commodore Plus/4 executables and produces assembler source code ready to be re-compiled. The reason for writing it was that none of the other disassemblers produced acceptable code (or I could not modify them, because there was no source code). Features:

- SYSnnnnn start address detection.
- Intelligent code tracing determines what's data and what's code.
- Recognises BEQ/BNE and other branch pairs as hard stops.
- Follows all jumps, subroutines, even IRQ and NMI vectors.
- Auto label generation for every address used.
- Auto label generation for every variable used, even recognizes self-modifying code.
- Auto label generation for zero page variables, including zero page 'vectors'.
- TED register and other comments.
- Drag-n-drop files from Windows Explorer
- Customizable comments from comments.ini file
- See the included history.txt file for all changes.

The output is available for three different assemblers, but mainly targetted for AS65. The full source code (Delphi 5) is provided, free to be used or modified.

(238 Kb ZIP file)


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