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Also known as Tec-tec and Tic Tac, Tech-Tech is a demo effect, where a logo (or some other graphics) is "waved", but the shift along the x-axis is greater than 8 pixels. The name may come from the Amiga demo Tech-Tech (Pouet.net). Graphics can be waved easily by modifying the $FF07 TED register for each scan line, however, this allows for only 8 pixels movement, hence the difficulty in acheiving this effect. Coordinately swapping $FF13 per scanline too, allows to pick the correct slice from several appropriately shifted character sets of the same graphics, pushing the effect over the 8 pixel limits.


Icaos Demo/SCF has two Tech-Techs.

Larger than the screen! The very big logo in the ending part of Boring Stuff.

tech-tech,tec-tec,tic tac 

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